
If you need a guide to tell you what camera to buy, you should probably get a nice beginner dSLR because you care enough to do some research but you don’t yet know enough to not need a basic buying guide.

Unsure if this is a joke, but I don’t think it will be cancelled, for at least the first season. It seems that its getting much more hype than other USA shows that have renewed for multiple seasons. (Graceland for example.)

I am a highly educated, incredibly literate dark-skinned Haitian-American lawyer who has family currently living both in P-a-P and in the countryside. I am fully aware of who DR’s president is currently and who has been president of DR over the last 15 years. Not to mention that I was at the inauguration of Haiti’s

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

I don’t think my soul is ready to completely forsake by book-bound brethren, but my resolve is slipping.

As someone who has owned rooms full of books in the past, and needed to clear bunches of them out during a number of moves, I am a big fan of the Paperwhite (mine’s a generation or two old, and it’s fine). My only complaint is that more books aren’t available in Kindle-compatible format. I keep imagining what law

You can take the man out the body but you can’t take the spread out the man.

you’re not going to watch the video? I’m going to file a Title IX complaint against you! For Feminism!

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

How Android Is Becoming The New Windows

Oversized wine (and spirits) glasses gags have been around forever. Uncle Arthur on Bewitched used to drink from a martini glass that could have held an English mastiff. I’m sure he wasn’t the first either!

Now playing

For whatever reason, people love to photoshop accordions into Hendrix’s hands. Just take a look at this one from a website called

I... don’t think that’s true. But it sounds amazing.

His high profile wrongness probably also contributed to Global Warming skepticism.

Don’t worry about it man, you will find someone.

Rich people are running out of things to spend money on, why not sell them land on mars to fund NASA?

“The first of them are in Sweden, but IKEA plans to send its new paper furniture around the world. “