
Look at my user icon, I created that, it may not be great, but I don’t laude myself as an amazing designer and then spit out a fucking rectangle as proof of my brilliance. Here it is bigger:

Agreed! figure traditional truck stops will be replaced with diagnostic, service, and maintenance stations spawning a need for higher paid skilled labor with an overall better quality of life.

Dude, you work for GoDaddy, by FAR the worst registrar in history, and you’re hating on Paypal? C’mon.

I know the horror stories sell ink, but keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of PayPal transactions go off without a hitch.

I hope the plaintiffs never have to work a day in their lives again. This is shit out of a 3rd rate porno.

You forgot the Bushes!

I’d be down for this. Neeson will clearly be the frontrunner, but we’d have two to add to the list: Colin Firth in Kingsman and Helen Mirren in Red and Red 2 (and, if rumor is correct, as badass Momma Shaw in Furious 8).

Remembering AOL

It’s also for people that use the camera on their Gigapan panorama mount.

conceptual photo does not include concepts like gravity

I really like this one. connecting 3 sides of the river. lovely design

I didn’t read the Clinton-favoring in it at all.

Small wonder so many Americans are so disillusioned with a system mired in petty schoolyard tactics.

Just a general note: I get so much more out of GoT with these recaps. Sometimes the story can get so large that I miss a few things, and these really help keep everything sorted. Thanks, Charlie Jane.

I think it could be used efficiently even if it only carried a few tens of pounds to move things that are rare but lucrative around the country based on projected purchasing patterns.

The drones will be laden with cameras and sensors. There’s more security from that alone than stealing packages of peoples’ porches.

Amazon is spending an awful lot of time and money doing the R&D on automated drone deliveries for a PR stunt. They’re even going to the extent of doing their drone testing in Canada to get around FAA restrictions.

In the years since, he has been a reliable producer of out-of-touch, tissue-thin pronouncements on the perils of our secularized, technologized 21st century lives, virtually all of which rightly can be interpreted as passive-aggressive nostalgia for what Family Circus comics told him “outdoors” might have been like