
So, if you can't sell your idea someone else can just take it?

What they should be doing is offering free scholarships for female middle eastern citizens. Give it a decade or so. That will push the needle forward a bit.

I think this just affects people trying to get student visas. So if the professor has a work visa, or a green card, he or she shouldn't be affected by the ban.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.

Y'know, I have to wonder if the Wachowski siblings, while they were wrapping up this movie, saw Guardians of the Galaxy, turned to each other, and said "fuck". Spectacle isn't need heart.

More seriously, I'm a huge fan of Cloud Atlas and (most) of Speed Racer. I'm very excited about this movie, even though the ads have completely punted on trying to explain what the plot is.

It's like the sick love-child of Zardoz and Fifth Element.

I think I understand why Sulkowicz wrote what she wrote to him, but I truly don't understand what she thinks the university or anyone else is supposed to do about it. The only two people who know what happened are her and the guy, but if she has no evidence, whether physical or circumstantial, there's not a whole hell

I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you here. The study only tested supplements from these four large nation-wide brands. Spending more money on a brand name could mean that you are just spending more money on worthless crap.

In people's minds, was Reagan about to give this kid the nuclear launch codes or something? Why would a spy try getting close during a publicity shoot?

While it's heartening that this is NOT company policy, it's strange and difficult to swallow that there could be so much confusion that drivers were suspended in the first place.

"Nah man, I don't wanna go to the Super Bowl, I'm going to an awesome Super Bowl party" said a guy who clicks on banner ads about the liberal conspiracy to steal our food

Ayn Rand would be so fun to troll.

They might be able to spot shitty animation but they apparently have no idea what a great, fun movie looks like.

Of course! My perspective going into it was this: How do we know what happened? Really, I just wanted to know where the nine miles figure came from when I started. That's far from shore and pretty specific. How did all these reporters know it was that exact figure. That question lead me to more questions, especially

OOoooh someones will loooove this

i disagree that the effect is the same. swiping at a light emitting screen is not the same as touching paper. seeing ink on a page is not the same as seeing pixels, especially for a child's developing senses

You don't need the study on women to make a research statement about men (unless you state something that depends on a relative statement about women). They are just responsibly letting you know that they used a narrow focus. That's a good thing in science. Eliminate variables. Gender / Sex contains a massive bag of

"...the first optical zoom ever seen on a cameraphone"

This is not the first. The Samsung S4 Zoom has been on the market for several years now.