
Watched this on YouTube the other night and had to say it was pretty much what I expected. If you liked Pineapple Express or This Is the End, then you'll like find this funny like I did.

Not every phone

Pretty sure is been good for the indy theatres that have been showing it. I went to see it on the 27th in an art house in Charleston, SC and the ticket clerk told me it had been selling out shows.

This is literally the most useless comment I've ever seen on Gawker. And that's saying something.

We're always happy to dump on ESPN when they screw up, but submitting a well-researched public records request on a subject of legitimate public interest in the expectation that it won't be sprayed all over the internet on Christmas Eve in an attempt to dampen its findings is definitely not an area where they screwed

It doesn't exactly store energy (which, yes, is exactly what the headline says - another case of a misleading Giz headline), but it does save energy use during the day. That's my understanding at least.

SAME. I really want this thing.

Not fair. I still didn't get an invite.

I'd argue that it's lack of attention to quality. For instance, you have a line break right in the middle of your second sentence.

Refresh my memory: Why is a black stormtrooper even raising a single eyebrow?

I think that's only if you're facing the death penalty. Tang isn't, so his goose is cooked if the Canadian authorities find him.

Considering how much of an air-head Lawrence's character was, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that she was misrepresenting what she read in the article?

Yeah, Bush was so against spying he set up the Patriot Act.

i really wish you could disable the touch screen all together while reading so you can ONLY turn pages with the sidebar thingies.

God, I wish somebody had told my parents this a long time ago. At the same time, I think an even better gift would have been watching my parents try to do all these updates without any assistance.

I'm sorry, but the universe doesn't owe you entertainment. Get a job and a life.

"So what can you do?"