
On Morning Edition they said the promotion makes him one of the “most powerful people in the world.” I think they meant to say “...of computing” or “design” or something like that, but they didn’t. He’s just one of the most powerful people in the world.

Will it start the computer to complete a task like a virus scan or OneNote update? If it could turn itself on to complete those tasks at, say, 3:00 A.M., that would be great.

I’ve flown many times with weed and once with something white and powdered. I do enjoy the privilege of whiteness, which I’m sure affords some protection. I also, apparently, have that “are-you-a-cop?” look, which is a bummer when scoring but has its benefits. I don’t check it, obviously, and I don’t usually do much

Occasionally I notice that items listed in the top part of the post do not appear in the summary below. I used to think of the summary as comprehensive, but perhaps I shouldn’t? Today, the upper part of the post includes the Sony AS30 HD Action Cam and the GoPro HERO4 Silver, but neither is listed in the Photography

Occasionally I notice that items listed in the top part of the post do not appear in the summary below. I used to

Nice job cropping homophobe Adam Baldwin out of the Firefly photo!

Nice job cropping homophobe Adam Baldwin out of the Firefly photo!

I feel like there’s not enough information here to understand the situation.

My point is that every time cameras start increasing the maximum megapixel range, we hear that the increase offers no real benefit, but eventually the new maximum becomes the old minimum and the quality of photos improves. (Photos I took back when 8 MP was the standard can’t be printed much beyond 1:1.) I take a lot

Huh. If Google wants a serious competitor for Facebook, they couldn’t do better than Twitter.

I don’t even know what that is, but now I want one.

This camera is going to be great for getting long-distance photos with telephoto lenses and then cropping them to look like you took them from four feet away.

And you are comparing high-resolution prints rather than something you see on a computer screen.

It’s for:

Mine’s on preorder. This describes me: “people who routinely crop WAY in on their photos.” I’ll be able to get some fantastic photos of birds in flight.

Haven’t the people who have tracked calories burned and expended, with fitness trackers, spreadsheets, or pencil and paper, internalized or memorized the numbers? I know I have. Not precisely, but close enough to foil any attempt to pretend I don’t know how many calories I’ve burned.

One of the coolest things about the Amazon Echo is the shopping list feature. I say “Alexa, add coffee to the shopping list” and coffee appears on the shopping list of the Echo app for me and my husband. When one of us buys coffee, we check it off and the other one knows not to buy it.

I use it sometimes, but not always.

When you place an order for which Prime shipping applies, one of the shipping options typically is “FREE No-Rush Shipping... Get a $1 credit for eBooks, digital music and videos.”

Where this technology would be most useful is rural areas.