
Never mind that the Patriots weakness on defense was against short yardage power running situations.

How many times did he turn the ball over? Oh that’s right. It was a stupid play and it isn’t trite to call it out.

Maybe you should have posted this where this blog belongs, JEZEBEL. This is hugely not about gaming, but critical of a game because of bias. Most people are fine with fantasy games following fantasy tropes.  

No, no,’re missing the point. No matter how good things are, especially in the best country in the world, the left will always drag everything down to race, gender, orientation, etc., then they will show how one particular group or another is not getting treated fairly. Except for whites; they’re privileged

I wish I had this feature for subtlety telling my wife that she doesn’t fit into that dress anymore.

Can......I be ungreyed, sir?

I’m not sure how it couldn’t be racing, because Gran Turismo.

He’ll be right up there with Clebold and Harris as one of the greatest shooters in Columbine history.