
Hammy doesn’t need to. For those keeping score Hamilton is still up what? 6-1 in championships when both have competed (obviously going outside F1)?

Just imagine if Hamilton retired after 2008. Or Vettel in 2010.

No one would give a fuck about either of those guys.

aka a lesser crime that carries a lesser sentence.

Can’t wait for her to either not get charged, or if convicted, get off with an extremely light sentence. Then after, the while SJWs will quietly ignore it, and go back to screaming how society has absolute contempt for women the next time a football player is accused of assaulting his girlfriend.

You’re a fucking monster.

So because you don’t have the self-control to wait for reviews you depend on to tell you how to feel about a game before you play it, and might go out and buy it anyways before those reviews come out, you’ve decided to blame the developers for that. Got it.

Ohh, you must be referring to Sony’s remote play feature that allows me to stream and play PS4 games on my PS Vita, right? Good thing they just slapped a sticker on that “PCS4", and called it a day. We wouldn’t want to give Sony credit for something Nintendo clearly innovated many years after Sony did it..

And the

Nintendo knows you will so they decided to make you part with more of your money that you and Nintendo both know you were going to give to them anyways.

If there’s one thing Nintendo fans love, it’s buying the same game over and over.

The plural of buffalo is buffalo

Name a Sony console that hasn’t been financially successful.

Maybe the Playstation Vita - and if that was sold at a profit on release, even that probably made them a bit of money. Sony has 3 of the 4 highest selling home consoles of all time. The PSP sold over 20 million more units than the 3DS has sold so far.

Only if they have the system selling multi-platform games. If they do, then console exclusives are usually what makes people lean towards one console than another. But, if they don’t have those, then console exclusives alone often times aren’t enough to sell a console.

Hey! I heard of this Kerry Wood guy too. I think.

I love sports and appreciate skilled competition, but I personally don’t like Baseball much. I nearly fell asleep watching Rodger Clemens pitch his 3000th strikeout in person, but hey, I was very young at the time, and without the commentators, watching live baseball

What about the mixed message people like you send that pink or blue are not actually gendered colours, and in the next breath get angry because they assume something in a pink package is automatically for girls. Which is it?

Anyone who doesn’t play the game before judging it is clearly a misogynist. This game is amazing in every way. You’d be more than happy to overlook longer than average load times if the lead character was a straight white male!

Only if all of the devs are fully ramped up on the project and ready to work at full capacity without depending on other resources already on the project from day one.

... but that is never the case.

The Mythical Man Month. Read it. Know it.

To say that anyone could “even out the console wars” at this point is blatant fanboyism, or shows a complete obliviousness to how much Sony has dominated this generation. MS already lost that battle long ago by every measurable metric.

It’s just completely ridiculous to believe otherwise

I sure do! See most console generations have been between 5 and 6 years long. The Scorpio will be coming out between 4.5 and 5 years of the Xbox One’s and PS4's launch. Sony has already stated that this is a “mid-generation refresh” which means we can expect to see the PS5 no later than 2019. So The Scorpio comes out

lol No. A year or so after that the PS5 will be coming out, and MS will be left with their dick in their hand.

It’s just spin bullshit. The 80 million number was its sales number as of 2013. It’s sold several million since then.