
Tis not up to me.

May you be ungreyed!

(along with myself)

The US national team DOES lose to high school boys hockey teams all the time.

I apologize if I was unclear.

Yet somehow, women can’t compete with men in sports like curling. Maybe it’s because sweeping hard, and shooting hard, are actually incredibly important to success in the men’s game.

The only thing men and women are more or less equal at at elite levels is accuracy. But unfortunately for baseball, most of the accuracy skills are closely tied to reaction and strength skills, which men dominate. It’s hard enough for elite male athletes to hit 100 mph fastballs. Women wouldn’t stand a chance.


And by 18, they’re probably good enough to make (and beat) the women’s national team. I wish I was kidding, but it happens all the time.

You’re creating a straw man. No one (or very few people) actually thinks that when considering giving raises.

It’s pretty simple. In the real world, no one gives a fuck about you. No one. You don’t a gold star because you’re a woman and you’re doing your job well. Life isn’t fair, and no one gives a fuck if you think you’re being treated unfairly.

Seriously. If you’re worth more than you’re getting paid, find someone willing

Most of Kojima’s staff left with him.

I bet you believe in things like the wage gap, or how rape is a gendered issue though,

But at least they’ll have their safe spaces, while the spout their nonsensical social justice bullshit into their echochamber?

Ohh wait that’s Jezebel.

Kinda like how Jezebel exists now?

Yet here you are posting on a site that prides itself on its anti-intellectualism.

This doesn’t seem real to me.

No. Just no.



Not a troll.

Let me put it to you this way. People would be making the exact same posts about security if no nudes were leaked. If it was just her passport and driver’s license photos that were taken and put on the internet, the same comments would apply. This has little to do with nudes, and has everything to do with

You’re not actually this ignorant are you?

I have no idea why this was done, but I strongly doubt any of it has to do with ghostbusters. The hate that movie got was vastly overblown.

it’s just a mediocre movie that lost millions of dollars. No one really gives a shit, especially in mass numbers.

Wow. that is one fucked up world view.