Queen of the Introverts

I got through the first paragraph of Siriano’s and then there were too many emotions. These next/last 24 hours are going to be hard.

My mom, who no health insurance company would cover if they had the choice, said yesterday that if she ever loses her coverage, she’d consider doing this, since she’d be dead soon enough anyway. I told her I was not a fan of this idea. Then she said maybe she could shoot the president, and die before they have the

I saw a post that basically said, “Don’t watch. TV ratings are the only thing he understands.”

Amen, from a fellow white woman. Jamelle Bouie had a great piece in Slate about Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition, and how he tried to weave together both economic and identity issues. I don’t see why it’s so hard for politicians to do that...

Mine is “What’s your line? If you’re okay with voting for a narcissist who continually espouses racist, sexist, xenophobic views because you agree with his economic policy, what line would he have to cross to lose your support?”

I’ve found a very useful way to explain it is “Just because you have white/male/able-bodied/etc. privilege doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen to you. It just means bad things don’t happen to you (or are exacerbated) because you’re white/male/able-bodied/etc.”

Paul McCartney.

Oh Jesus, I’m tearing up at the very thought.

The major difference is that most of those believes developed over hundreds of years, before science could tell us there wasn’t actually an angry god in that volcano and that person who came back from the dead was actually just in a coma. They took on meaning, rather than being created out of whole cloth by an

Are those points redeemable for Seamless discounts and shipping from Powell’s?

Yes, this is what enraged me. I remember thinking, “Don’t use me as your fucking excuse, you fucking pile of garbage.” Then I told my mom if the ‘race war’ ever came, I was gonna sign up to be a race traitor. My mother, saint that she is, just nodded politely.

Just gonna leave this here.

My mother is like a horse whisperer for conservatives. Her mantra is “meet them where they’re at.” She asks a lot of questions. For instance, this is a conversation she had last month with a right-wing houseguest: “Why do you support Trump?” “You liberals think we’re all stupid.” “I don’t think you’re stupid. Why do

I saw a comment somewhere that said [paraphrasing], “You can have either the 2nd Amendment or the ability of police to consider the presence of a gun as a lethal threat to their safety. Not both.”

Sometimes sarcasm is the only thing keeping me from setting things on fire.

Yeah, at most this warrants a, “Great, now that you realize that, it’s time to make up for lost time.”

Dammit. I clicked on this hoping they were angry tears at a guest who had finally gone full-KKK defending Trump. But no, they were white tears.

Neither can I! It comes out a few days after my birthday, so I know what we’re doing to celebrate!

The girl in the skirt is killing it.