A death sentance for orange juice.
A death sentance for orange juice.
How fixated she seems about race. When it seems like it keeps coming up and seems forced. In college, “I’ve never been with a black guy before.” is hot. But we’re adults now. I’m not looking for a damn tourist, and I’m not a tool to make your mother clutch her pearls. There’s nothing “exotic” or “dangerous” about me.…
Here’s a red flag, we agree to meet at a restaurant. I got there a little early to have drink to calm my nerves as this woman (in her 30's) was gorgeous, definitely out of my league, sat and watched the door. She came in the door talking and laughing with an older woman (an acquaintance, coworker?) I stand up and…
I came across a blog article yesterday that described my worst dating experience to a T.
Surprisingly enough, for me a huge red flag early on was what this article calls “love bombing.” Everything he said was just TOO perfect, like it was scripted out of a cheesy movie or romance novel. It didn’t feel sincere and made…
I was on a first date and we were waiting outside for our table. A lady got up and left her purse. My date grabbed her purse and went inside. I thought she was going to return it. Nope. She went to the bathroom, took out the cash, something like $70-$75 (and probably the credit cards as well but only told me about the…
A black president brought out all of our hidden racists.
Everyone is at risk in prison. People are hurt and murdered in prison all the time. So unless they're outing everyone in protective custody, this isn't fair.
There are a lot of stories about black entertainers (A-listers) not being allowed to eat in restaurants or not being allowed to patronize the clubs where they entertained. Their lives were better than the average black person in America, but they were not regarded as honorary white people. That is the reason that so…
His info still needs to be listed for the victims, just like any other criminal. I would also be interested to know how they decide who gets this hidden treatment.
That Harry Belefonte Story is badass.
It HAS to be a big deal, as her accusation was certainly a big deal, with repercussions. So the fact that it was all a lie is a huge deal. And that she blamed the migrants/dark skinned people shows she knew enough about current events to make it sound real. Pretty awful thing to do.
She understood enough to accuse the brown people.
Poor thing. I would imagine she’s probably still in some state of shock that’s helping her get through. I remember going to work the morning after my dad passed away and being able to function just because reality hadn’t set in yet. Serious respect for her to go on with a live performance though.
I just want to know what the hell is going on and make sure they’re not trying to give him special treatment because he was in law enforcement.
I am so wary of police policing police that this feels very troubling to me. I don't want to go full paranoid, but it seems fishy
She’s absolutely right. Hell, there’s famous guys that have killed/been involved in killing people, and folks rarely bring it up.
This is simplistic, no doubt, but she’s still right about the value of letting go of other people’s judgments. And I really like what she said in another Time piece that they link to in this one:
i think mad men would have been a good show to do in the perspectives of the respective characters, i.e. like Lost. and not just a few mins per episode, but literally each episode being from the perspective of a different character or two. it would have allowed the show to incorporate a lot more diversity. imagine an…
Diversity doesn’t have to be enforced in a non-racist and inclusive society. Did you know that Hispanics account for nearly 30 percent of movie ticket sales despite being only 17 percent of the population? Did you know that even Hispanic roles are sometimes written to be non-Hispanic roles and when there are Hispanic…