Catholic school? That explains it.
Catholic school? That explains it.
I have your screen name and picture on a magnet and a t-shirt!
I love your name. That is all.
I have grown sons, so it wasn't an issue when I had them. But I've been told I'm a horrible parent by some posters here because I chose to "mutilate" my children.
I have to admit, I'm one of those parents who took my children to school and work (I posted elsewhere, so I don't want to repeat myself).
Hey, check out the post about parents who bring their kids to work or school - plenty of Righteous Indignation (RI), there!
I have to add - I definitely support other people calling my kids out. Hearing it from Mom only carries so much weight. If they see it's unacceptable to other people, it's a lot more profound.
I understand what you're saying, and I hear that a lot. For the record, I am underemployed, and the reason for that is because I know that I can't put in the effort that other people can. I want to be able to take time off without feeling like I'm leaving someone hanging. This is one of the prices of being a single…
Exactly. I love it when people love my kids. I've taught them to have good manners and boundaries so that people will love them. They know what is expected of them, and they appreciate the positive feedback, and understand when they are overstepping their boundaries.
I've brought my kids to school and work with me before. I've also made sure I did my work and my kids didn't disrupt others around me.
You have to do it tactfully. Kids understand a lot more than their parents give them credit for. Plant a seed of civility, and hope it blossoms.
I know and love kids. I've worked in childcare and raised a couple of kids. Kids are pretty durable. You don't have to be mean, but if you send them the right message, they understand it. It's the parents that are a pain in the ass.
Shiny things are also an open invitation.
Your story makes me so happy, and sad. And hopeful! You made the right decision and soon she will be on her own adult way, and you will have no regrets.
I actually mentioned cats in my first post, but then deleted it.
For the first question - do not make eye contact with the children. Make your space as uninviting as possible. Don't give them anything except for glaring looks. And absolutely keep redirecting them to their parents.
Middle class white women.
There's always circumcision!
When my son was about 3 months old I would often eat while I was breastfeeding him. It was so clear that he was so much more interested in what I was eating! His eyes would just follow the fork and my nipple would slip out of his mouth.
mmmmm ketchup/catsup