Everybody is Noob Noob

AutoplayStopper extension for Chrome has been a godsend recently.

Probably should get some ad block

To be fair, Bradley was in a hurry, as he still needed to feed and get back to his coffin before the sun came up.

Every day is a newer and shittier development that is just blatantly putting the squeeze on some excellent writers and a (once) excellent site.  Painful.  

Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:

“We have our new assistant GM!" - The Houston Astros 

Can you guys ask the venture capitalists to make articles take up less space? It’s kind of hard for me to watch both of the “recent videos” that started playing in two separate places when I’ve got four or five lines of text distracting me.

Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.

LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP. 

Curt Schilling just DM’ed Drake that he can borrow his ‘97 Ford Thunderbird anytime he’s in town.

very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this 

If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.

Username/comment synergy is always greatly appreciated.

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

And then the Astros walked off the Yankees very own wife beater. 

He's actually standing in this picture. 

Nobody looks good with that beard. It’s like Wooly Willy come to life.

Can you direct me to where the line forms to punch this walking penis in the face.

Exactly who I pictured, and then verified with a google search:

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else