Everybody is Noob Noob

Shh, don’t let actually reading the article get in the way of a nice shameless defense of the NFL’s concussion protocol.

“How do you know this?”

Aaaaaaaaand the protocol fails again, when it matters most. Man, the NFL just sucks.

“It’s funny to hear a female write about concussions.”

Ha! Indeed it was!

Deadspin Would Attack The Patriots If They Were Socialist is some high-grade Kinja

The Deadspin staff proposes to eliminate programs that literally help keep our poorest and most vulnerable people alive? Goes out of its way to defend Nazis?

Frank Dux also claims to have been there, and to have kicked everyone’s ass.

I would have settled for this

Boo!!! That was the slowest gentlest kick to the face, didn’t merit such an emotional reaction.


I can’t believe Tom Brady is 1-5 lifetime against the Manning brothers in the biggest games they can play (AFC Championships and Super Bowls). 16% winning percentage! Holy cow that’s bad!

I’m not buying this statement. I don’t see Belichick’s signature or Brady’s paw print on it.

Danson was also pretty good as himself throughout this last season of ‘Curb your Enthusiasm’. Yet, no doubt, he kills it as Michael! 

As a resident of the Buffalo,NY area it makes me chortle whenever I hear about southern states panic over an inch or so of snow, but then again I understand they do not have the infrastructure to deal with it.

Nightmare fuel.

Die Moist