Everybody is Noob Noob

Not that silly. Kanter stuck up for a teammate.

It is true that I forgot this last bullet point.

You forget about getting into a silly beef with lebron.

this is canon now

Tom Hanks can not play a villain, it just doesn’t work.

Ugh, that fuckin movie. It had Patton Oswald, Tom Hanks, and John Boyega and was utter dog shit.

And the 2017 “I Can’t Believe I’m Fucking Doing This, I Was In Harry Potter, Who Are These Imbeciles. I Need To Fire My Agent” award goes to Emma Watson for “The Circle”.

Sadly, I don't remember it. But the best athlete sketch ever was the Peyton Manning one where he's playing football with the kids. That is a classic. I don't even like Peyton, but funny is funny.

Had to be done.

So is being a professional Manning hater good money?

I may get some shit for this opinion...but I think Eli was very underrated as an SNL host.

True. But he’s got twice as many Super Bowl rings as guys 2-8 on that list.

The only upside for me has been the comic, almost Jetsian, level of blinkered ineptitude this was handled with.

Eli deserved his shot at 2-14. He’s earned that.

Could we have done it differently? I guess you argue that we could’ve, yes: The Ben McAdoo Story

Some more faves:

“My cousin will find you! He will save me” Kara to Thawne ep3, then motherfuckin’ Brandon Routh does just that in ep4!

“I hope your life is long and full of love, just as mine has been.” Stein, to Jax. And my heart is broken.

Complementary to Sara / Alex quote:
“Did you hit that?” - Mick
“Shut up.” - Sara, slapping the back of Mick’s head

That is a pet peeve of mine. Any time any two characters are close their has to be some sort of shipping going on. Whether it be a guy and a girl, two gay characters etc. Why can’t two people just be friends? That’s why I liked the relationship in Sleepy Hallow. They were just friends.  

Sara ain’t a player, she just crushes a lot. 

My line of the night

Man, if they do Professor Hulk, I really hope he gets his bunny slippers!