Everybody is Noob Noob

Uh last I checked The NYG wouldn’t have traded for Romo either also The Colts but what do I know?. Please stop acting like Tony was Montana. Did he win a lot of games? Yes. He also lost a lot due to his self inflicted wounds.

It’s absurd to equate Deion with Bo. Bo Jackson was actually good at both sports he played professionally. Deion was an average-at-his-very-best baseball player and a very good corner who may end up the most overrated at his position of all time, due to his salesmanship. Bo was transcendent as a football player and

Deion is such a bitch for this. Talked endless shit about Romo his entire career like it was his fault the line and defense were trash for the overwhelming majority of his career and only got his Super Bowl wins because he played on all-time great teams that were great before he got there and stayed great after he

Uhm, he has gone through the most shit of all of the Hawkins kids, so maybe give him a happy ending and let someone else suffer for a change...?

Wait, I thought Odin’s death was because of his age, and it just happened on Earth because of Loki’s shenanigans, Odin has spent 3 movies trying to pass the torch to Thor, he had to be feeling it coming on.

I think the lack of Enchantress and Skurge romance is what left me down on the Skurge hold the bridge scene.

Shit, just give the FF to Brad Bird.

Okay, if this happens (and that’s a big if), here’s what should go down:

Oh I remember Mel Hall. The Hall-Barfield connection was a thing of... mediocrity. But those were some real lean Yankee years.

it’s a name that embiggens my baseball fandom

Stump Merrill, the manager of those Yankees, is a very cromulent baseball nickname.

- “The whole time I pictured myself as the Julie Andrews type, but maybe I’m more like, uh...” “The Nazis?” “Oh no. Is there another villain?” I suggest Mr. Banks’ financer boss from Mary Poppins.

She’s bad at math but great at baths.

“I know I’ve said this before but I really mean it this time —- let’s put leaves in our underwear!”

I loved Linda saying that just because they were taking the younger kids on date night, she was still going to get drunk, and them sincerely saying that she is the best mom ever.

“She’s like my grandma at a yard sale: going after our junk!”

Again, the show amazes me with its see-the-world-at-90-degrees-off dialog. Gene got in some zingers at the breakfast table. And yes, the Zeke lines were killer as they were about to face off with refugee-from-The Shining kid. You want to point to the tier 2 character who has grown the most, I give it to how the

(“..another day another dead Doug”)

Can i bring my friend Doug?

Maybe God has just been around a really long time.