I surely hope ESPN suspends Jemele Hill for this!
I surely hope ESPN suspends Jemele Hill for this!
He’s somehow even more insufferable than Mike Singletary—and he also may have killed someone.
You folks got any audiobook and/or book suggestions? Bear in mind that I have already purchased and listened to the audiobook recording of Drew’s book.
Got my undergrad from the pathetic excuse of a university that is UNCO. My shitty car had my car broken into on two separate occasions, and both times it was during the middle of the fucking day. Did I mention that the ever-present smell of poop isn’t even the worst odor one can expect in Greeley?
While I have lived in Seattle for just over five years now, allow me to truther this video a bit. If Alex Jones was looking to provoke some—whatever the fuck that loon is calling them these days—radical Seattle leftists, this was not the place to do it.
After watching this...thing...I have so many pressing questions. However, I think it is of tremendous import to lead with this: Dafuq?
I have a buddy that I met when we were both undergrads at one of Colorado’s most forgettable public universities who is from Philly and a huge Eagles fan. Not sure if he still does this, but every time he met someone and found out they were a football fan, would brag about the time he was working in the paint section…
I remember a time Brett Favre became afflicted with this condition and tried to get Jenn Sterger to help him with it.
“Take a salt tablet.”
I came here specifically for this gif. You are truly doing the Lord’s work, my friend.
Your joke totally killed mine—but I didn’t see anything.
Glad to see Ray take a stab it.
This is incorrect. Tim Tebow had basically hit his ceiling as a QB and likely wasn’t going to get any better. For all of the talk of him being a hard worker and a “gym rat”, he still looked like shit in practice, his mechanics were all over the place, and he struggled mightily against teams that wisely dropped into…
I too act like a tough guy when I’ve got a security detail to shield me from any possible consequences.
I see this as a Packers fan: We totally fucking deserve that.
He thinks the Pet Rock was a great idea.
Lisa Fletch currently has documents on her desk detailing this puppy’s troubled past. Tune into ABC 7 News at eleven!