Edward J. Smith

My cousin did this last year. She was getting married in June 2014 in NY, sent out a save the date to every individual family member in the fall of 2013, at which point my sister and I (located in CA) both saved the date. Fast-forward to May 2014, and my mom copies my sister and me into her RSVP email to my cousin,

My fantastic friends helped me make approximately 80 burlap-wrapped invitations. They all came out wonderful and no one fought.


As his great-grandmother Queen Mary famously said, "We are the British royal family. We are never tired, and we all love hospitals."

Totally Ministry of Silly Walks time...

This didn't happen to me exactly, but it's still pretty awesome. So my aunt was getting married (c.1982), a few years before I existed, and her wedding color was a light mauve. She picked out nice mauve invitations with dark text which were surprisingly elegant considering it was the early 80s. She gave them to her

Agreed about the Doily Lady (and really, she got stuck with the nickname 'Doily Lady' - hasn't she suffered enough?). But it looks like the printer brought in their lawyer first for collections? Maybe? That was a really confusing article IMHO.

I was about to ask if last week's share counts, but then I saw it in the story so:

My vote would be B school. In my experience, those folks are the absolute worst of the bunch.

Hebrew "Yonatan". The Hebrew letters would equate to something like I-V-N-V-T-N (with the V doing double duty as an "O" vowel and "V" consonant). So anglicized, would be JVN or JON.

What about Jon or Jonathan? Or is that too namby, pamby liberal?

evidently, you had no party to go to last night, and unfortunately, will have even less in the future.

Have you tried Sichuan Gourmet? The New How Lee is quite good, as well; it's changed significantly in the past... year or so, or so I'm told (although I've only tried the Sichuan).

Also, I do not doubt for a second that these are Harvard law students.

Reporting on something that turns out not to be true is entirely different from deliberate deception, and you damn well know it — you just wanted to be a snotty little shit and get in your shot at Jezebel. Also, please show me where I've reported a hoax as fact even once on Kitchenette.

It would be nice if we could trust national companies to use correct grammar. This poster has been up at the drive-thru of my local Walgreens for a couple of months.

Date night with this guy. We're watching Pit Bulls & Parolees. He's not judging my wine consumption. I love him.

Crazy library patron story time!

I really hate my job. I told my new boss that I'm frustrated at work and would like to fix that together by better defining my responsibilities. He told the big boss and they set a meeting with me to tell me that I have a negative attitude and am not helpful to my co-workers, using examples that are completely false.