Edward J. Smith

I do wonder how I'll feel whenever I decide to get another dog. It seems to help most people.

Thanks :) I honestly we feel like we dodged a crazy landlord bullet. And my pets are like my children so I refuse to compromise! There are people out there who get it and I will find them.

Four pets is a completely reasonable number of pets because that works out to what, two per person? Mr Parade had four cats when we got together, was down to two when we moved in but I had a dog, and now we have two of each. Our apartment is neither gross nor covered in pee. My theory is that people who can't deal

I love you, Bad Writer Facebook Friend!!! Keep on defining the shit out of this era!

"Red is the great clarifier - bright, cleansing, revealing. It makes all colors beautiful. I can't imagine being bored with it - it would be like becoming tired of the person you love. I wanted this apartment to be a garden - but it had to be a garden in hell."

My only advice is to get connected to other local gardeners who can share tips and resources specific to your soil/weather etc. When I had a house I found some groups on fbook and they were so generous with good advice and free plants they'd divided and extra soil/mulch/random other materials. Plus great way to

This is Violet. She is now a year and a half old; probably a Aussie/German Shepherd mix. She's the one in the front with the blue eye and the brown eye.

Don't care about this guy. Happy Pi Day everyone!

My sister is childless to date, so it must have been quite memorable.

I was in shock, BP down to 70/60, my husband holding one ankle, my mother and sister on the other and I screamed at everyone in the room, "I hope you enjoy the show!" And passed out.

As a gay grad student:

The time when Depo was the hot new thing on the market, and my gyno forgot to tell me that it isn't recommended for people who have depression before she stuck my ass with 1 years worth of estrogen (back in the day it was an annual affair).

Great submissions in last week's Pissing Contest, but I think Meezer5 is the winner in our hearts:

Definitely! Genetic diversity is everything, and pound mutts are great. Part of the fun is figuring out what mix they are.

No joke, I would absolutely wear that crazy white fur stole jacket thing every day of my life. Like Cruella Deville but fat.

mexicolor mouth sounds like a disease sailors get

This story doesn't even compare...

Dammit! I missed this one!

Another little known fact about strippers: they're actually humans just like everyone else! With feelings and goals and fears and everything! They're not just sexy, lifelike automatons! Crazy, right?!