Edward J. Smith

Most do know about KKK, but I just think that they were not thinking. But I don't think it is an excuse, it reminds me of when I was in US a lot of people were serving Irish car bombs and they didn't realize or care that is offensive, not everyone needs to know what is offensive in other countries but when you show

You have four!!! I want them all.

All that cat needs is a massage.

This is the absolute best. I would love to get an email from a dog.


Oh great more dog related news.

From Celebrity Apprentice

I have a beagle-lab mix, and the first thing I said when I saw her at the humane society was, "OMG! Her ears! They are so velvety and soft..."

also, this:

my beagle, who will never win best in show, but has won many hearts, has the softest ears, we call them scallopini and want to put them in sandwiches. BEAGLES. BEAGLES. OH SQUEEE, beagles. sorry. dogs are just so best.

Except it isn't just shopping-shopping. This means we can go grocery shopping on Sunday, which is actually really important today. Especially when in Paris now, so many parents are extremely overworked and kids often go to school on Saturday. France is not what it used to be. We work like dogs now to keep our

I think all of the negative responses are mostly coming from people who've never actually lived in a European city where you're SOL if you need even the smallest thing after scheduled hours. No one is forcing stores that don't want to have Sunday hours to open, but this would allow those who want the time to do so.

100 Euros sounds like a fuckshitstack of money to me. Not that I'm hating; I bet the food was delicious and worth it!

Have a problem not buying something on Sunday? Plan better and buy it one of the other 6 days of the week.

Then again, there's the flipside. I met Mr. Disco in high school in 11th grade, he was in 12th. EVERYONE hated him, from my dad ("Don't ever bring that long haired motherfucker in this house again.") to my mom ("He's just so quiet and you're so talkative!") to my brother ("I dunno, I just don't like him.") to all of

Future in-law drama! I fucking love in-law drama, especially future siblings-in-law drama which is often the most bizarre (I think because siblings can have the hardest time with changing family dynamics sometimes; less funny to think of it that way, but true). I can't think of a good question or scenario, but you

This is marvellous :)

I'm 42 and I have been to perhaps ten weddings all my life (yes, that includes my aunts' and uncles' when I was a child). Now, even allowing for cultural differences: how did this woman get to attend 100 weddings? Did she really have a hundred close friends who would invite her to their wedding? Is she a member of a

Harper has been going to Victoria's shows for a few years, since she was North's age. But agreed that they seem like the type of family that would actually care about the comfort of their kids and would take her out to calm down if she started acting up.