But his cockamamie story happened in a "developing country" which somehow makes it easier for him to march into a fucking nursery in a hospital and switch "ankle tags" (what?) without anyone seeing him! And his girlfriend didn't notice! What a dumb lady, cuckolding him and all that. This is MRA revenge fic.
How the FUCK is this troll black and I have been on Jezebel for years and I'm still grey?
If you stress that it's "naturally harvested" beaver anal gland secretions "from a small pond in New England" that has "an extremely limited harvest season of May through September" and your company only harvests the secretions of wild beavers who forage for their own food, your revenues will shoot way up. Forget…
<gasp> You mean she eats those horrible, unnatural orange carrots just because she's used them? Along with spliced apples, mutant oranges, and banana clones?
Some guy at a party once tried to tell us all that merpeople were real because he saw a documentary about it. When we IMDBed his documentary and it was clearly labeled a mockumentary, he scoffed, "IMDB is no more reliable than Wikipedia." True story.
Give me photosynthesis or give me death.
How much you wanna bet I can market beaver anal gland secretions as a delicacy and make millions?
"There's a truly bizarre strain of anti-intellectualism running through both ends of the political spectrum, fostered by people who instinctively distrust anything beyond their immediate comprehension"
I know I'm going to get throttled for this, but there's some baby in her mostly-insane bathwater. I am not a fan of GMO crops. This is not because I think they are poisonous or "toxic" it's because I am not convinced that enough independent research was undertaken with regard to how the GMO's effect the food system as…
"Readers of my blog know," she writes in the book, "that the next time you lick vanilla ice cream from a cone, there's a good chance you'll be swirling secretions from a beaver's anal glands around in your mouth."
I don't know why people think engineering is super super super hard? It is difficult, but I think there is a spread of work in engineering like any major, some people work really hard for their grades and some people don't have to work as hard (and variations thereof). I got pretty decent grades, I could have spent…
*sigh* your story as well as others is why I get pissed at people for thinking fine arts is lazy. I had to do at least 3 studio classes a semester. That's six hours per class in the studio and six hours outside of class per course, minimum, a week. That's 36 hours just minimum for what's expected of you to get a C.…
You need to replace that record asap! So you can suffer while it plays over and over and over. I loved how they outlined what you were supposed to do when you were a kid.
I went to college in Washington, DC. A city with great public transportation and no need for a car. But for some odd reason, I was desperate to have my car with me for the summer between my junior and senior years. So to convince my parents that having my car in a city with great public transportation was necessary, I…
When I was 14 or 15, I participated in a summer live-in college prep program at the local university. There were, IIRC, 125 other high-school kids, along with a dozen or so staff and instructors. At the beginning of the program, they distributed a whole lot of paperwork that most people never read, including a list of…
Once, in a fit of drunken derring-do, at the height of Riverdance mania, I convinced an entire bar in France that I was an accomplished Irish step dancer. I've never taken a lesson in my life.
In all seriousness, my aunt (who is now a Buddhist nun) was the woman in the Woodstock doc picking up trash whilst Hendrix practiced the Star Spangle Banner.
Sometimes I feel like lies don't count as lies when the truth is nobody's business anyway.