Edward J. Smith

Extra dimension to the Beyoncé docket: This is motherhood shade. While Bey is known for keeping Blue out of the limelight almost entirely, Kim goes to the other extreme and uses hers as a fashion prop. So in a way, identifying that prop as such (princess is a brilliant choice—plausible deniability yet scathing

Great story, but the cynic that I am, I wonder if it wasn't a mistake of her to come forward and expose herself to the public eye. So many leechers, hangers-on and criminals to avoid. I always wonder why esp. American lottery winners do this - posing with this dumb giant check in front of cameras, getting interviewed

I wasn't 100 percent sober.

What a baller thing to admit. Zero fucks given.

drinking game for SOTU next year?

When I read The Year of Magical Thinking, I saw I was clearly meant to focus on the central event—her husband dropping dead a moment after she put dinner on the table. But I couldn't get past the fact that Joan Didion cooked dinner. What was the dinner? All I can picture her making is a boiled egg and a cigarette.

The source was my mother and she's constantly trying to convince me to crack an egg on a frozen pizza and see what happens.

Im just happy to see old simians getting work.

Marcel has not aged well.

Fair enough, thanks for making me feel young. I've seen mostly good things come out of the State Department, even during the Bush years, but that's because prior to Clinton I was an elementary school student, and thus not paying much attention.

It doesn't really have anything in particular to do with Uganda, or local African customs. Sodomy was illegal in all British territories until the 60s (and in some until much later), and all of the former British colonies inherited those laws when they became independent (and didn't repeal them in 1967, as the English

We got married on 4/20 and it is very easy to remember.

If someone proposed using my full name, I'd probably laugh in his face while having flashbacks to the preteen years. Who uses full names except an angry parent shouting it down a hallway?

My husband (who cannot remember what year we married in) and I managed to book airline tickets for me to leave town one year without either of us remembering the travel date was our anniversary. My mom had to tell us.

I think it just typifies the insane amount of crippling dysfunction in the this family (see also: "Director and actor Tyler Perry has reportedly been the broker of peace").

The craziest thing I have ever seen was when I was bartending at a strip club. Guy comes in and he's weird. Tries to hit on every person lacking a y chromosome including myself. Anyway, he starts harassing one of the dancers. She is a quiet, sweet woman that just so happens to be wearing thigh high boots that night.

"As a palate cleanser for the last two weeks, please enjoy some stories of terrible customers receiving their just rewards."

Rihanna is housing an entire hydro grow operation under there.