Edward J. Smith

I once gave a frenemy a book he expressed interest in reading. My bookmark was a pay stub. He now has my SS# and knew to the penny how much I was making in 2003.

I'm working on the water/wine thing but if we ever find ourselves in Mexico together and you suffer the way my traveling companion did (stomach cramps, projectile vomiting, a severe sinus infection; this was the day after we arrived) I'm there for you! I have forgotten all the pharmacy Spanish I learned on that trip

I've eaten huitlacoche, when I spent a week in Mexico City. I also drank tap water and had drinks served with ice cubes with no ill effects. I also bought off-brand cigarettes and smoked those, which were fine, and I never experienced high-altitude sickness or smog-related allergies or illnesses. I will donate my body

If only. It was on a beach, but the groom had been to rehab a few times (the last was where he met the bride, thirty years his junior) so there was no alcohol, let alone weed. There was a very tasteful string quartet for reception entertainment, so no dancing. But there was a clam bake, so that was fun, and we were

Don't laugh. I've been to a wedding where the groom basically wore this. It was his third marriage. He was in his early 60s at the time.

A long time ago my friends and I had a little thought experiment/game called "You're chained to a bed for all eternity" and you were given choices. We used to play it everywhere, on the subway, out in restaurants, at christenings and baby showers, wherever. I suggest playing the game with this guy.

I don't know where to leave this insight so I'll leave it with you:

Yes, according to Wiki, one in Lake Placid and one in Bangor. And given the context of this article both town names sound slightly smutty.

It happens all the time. Magazines do it to woo advertisers. The circulation numbers are audited, and the publisher of the magazine can say, "We publish X number of this magazine, and the median household income in the zip codes of our distribution area is $Y." Whether the recipient has actually subscribed to the

It's marketing demographics voodoo economics. I know lots of marketing people and the ideal ages shift depending on what people in the different industries think their targeted audiences are, but they're quite specific. In a lot of traditional media, like TV, the demographic that matters is 18-35, sometimes 18-49.

Off-topic, as I sometimes am, do you ever go to that Cabazon outlet mall? I spend quite a bit of time in PS and I love that place. Joshua Tree, Aerial Tramway, yeah, whatever. I hope it's still thriving. The next time I go I'm tempted to liquidate my 401(k) and just buy the entire stock of whatever Le Creuset has on

As Pinkham replied to you, it's the show-dog people who are insane.

I'm pretty sure Jesus would order one meal for the table and everyone would be fed.

Speaking of going back to the 1950s, I think then there were mandatory vaccinations against polio. When the polio vaccine was developed it was up there with finding a cure for cancer.

I read a comment once, it was probably on Gawker, that it's the duty of people like aunts and uncles and babysitters to teach pre-verbal chiildren their first words, and those words should be, "Mommy's been drinking again."

One of the many dogs I've adopted from shelters over the years was an AKC-registered King Charles Spaniel. They're really tough to get from breeders under normal circumstances, but he had some minor flaw, invisible to the naked eye, that meant he would never make it to Westminster or any other competition (which are

This now reminds me that I almost had a run-in with Clinton myself, and it was in San Francisco! I was out there on business and walking down California Street when suddenly I came upon a crowd that was being held for no reason that I could see.

A female friend of mine was coordinating part of an event that President Clinton (when he was still President) and several other heads of state attended and she said the same thing about the mesmerizing magnetism. Somebody, not her, got something wrong and in they all trooped in an area where she and some of her staff

My husband once sat next to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis on a flight from New York to Boston. It was some kind of little all-first-class puddle jumper that his company booked him on. When he told me this I was like "What did she say to you??? What did you talk about???"

A long time ago (Laverne and Shirley might have still been working in the brewery but it must have been after that) a new network named Bravo came along. It was called that because it was going to broadcast live opera and host book chats, I think some foreign programming was promised. I signed up (it was a special