Edward J. Smith

Have you ever heard of Scott Brown, the former Republican Senator from Massachusetts? I do not live in Massachusetts but I think for some reason his nude-ish (he covered his genitals) spread in Cosmo from when he was a college student in the early 80s helped his campaign.

I have a friend who lives in Medford (where Mayor Mike Bloomberg grew up, although sadly before the days of monetizing your feces) and he's been having a horrible time financially ever since the Great Crash of 2008. Wait until I tell him he can easily make $13,000 a year using one weird trick I learned on the Internet.

I wonder how this topic even came up on Fox Business Radio. Surely he wasn't denouncing Big Pharma and their monopoly pricing and insidious efforts to try to get doctors to medicate everything that moves? So here is a woman who is employed full-time who is getting treatment for a diagnosed mental illness...this

Well, I think I would start with Hotel (the book is set in New Orleans, not SF, like the TV series.) But he also wrote Wheels, which is about the super-glamourous American auto industry circa 1970. I haven't read that in ages but now I think it must be like stumbling upon a guidebook to Pompeii written a few months

Do you know the oeuvre of Arthur Hailey? He wrote Airport (made into the movie) and Hotel (made into the TV series) and a bunch of other books. They're all great.

Don't forget Jacqueline Susann's other greats, The Love Machine and Once Is Not Enough.

Since the name "Civil Rights Act of 1964" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, how about "Buckwheat"?

Good catch! I also like the almost Hopper-esque image of the Grill & Caf[rest of word cut off] sign on the adjacent down-at-the-heels "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime" building.

Have you thought about freelancing for a publishing house that does food-related stuff, books or magazines? They freelance everything nowadays, so you can work from home, and actually being knowledgeable enough to produce your own cookbook and maintain a cooking blog makes you eminently qualified.

I thought Lady Edith Crawley took over The Economist in 1924?

Though I am not Catholic I pay attention to what the Pope says, just to figure out which way the wind is blowing for two billion, maybe more, of my fellow planetary citizens. So in recent months I learned that pets can go to Heaven and people should stop breeding like rabbits but no birth control and no abortion, NO

My mother used plastic bread bags to line our snow boots. All the kids had them. I guess waterproof boots weren't invented until sometime around 1980?

For all we know that is a very precious Ronald Reagan commemorative tie tack one of her handlers pinned onto her at the last minute when the American flag pins were nowhere to be found.

"Let the eagle soar!"

With a good stiff drink in your hand. I am currently drinking a strong vodka-and-soda, which I will forevermore refer to as a Christine Baranski. I love her, and I love the trashed AM New York or whatever it is piled up beneath her seat.

I am off-topic, as always, but I just wanted to say that I've watched a great many Judge Judy episodes, a few thousand of the tens of thousands that she's taped, and I have NEVER disagreed with her rulings. Not one. And I a pretty contrary person in general (though not a lawyer.)

Wow, my post didn't sound like bragging at all!

In regards to familial jealousy, this doesn't help the original poster, as she explains above, but if anyone reads down to the greys:

Kenya Moore somehow reminded me of those VO5 commercials with Rula Lenska in the 1970s. You know, she's practicing her dance routine, pats herself lightly with a towel, looks into the camera and says something like, "I'm Rula Lenska. When friends visit me in London..." as if our reaction was supposed to be, "Oh, you

That is a genius idea! I have die-hard Red Sox fans as family members and I'm sure nothing would make them happier than to slap a Yankees Rear Gear on their dog's butt.