Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I don’t like Tyson’s tweet because there are some false equivalencies there, in the sense that there is a very big difference in how preventable each of those types of death are. That’s not to say that we don’t need to address things like medical errors and suicide, but I doubt there’s a whole lot that can be done to

I don’t see any reason to air my personal laundry in a post about autos. Also little Amos Yoder is doing fine, not that you ever ask.

Red spot fake news!!!!!

I think they liked watchmen? Not the entire show mind you, just the blue dildo.

E) Chevrolet Corvette Crossover.

Honda’s design team keeps hitting it well within the park indeed. 

I am not guilty for the crimes of dead men. Take your original American sin shit and shove it.

I for one, have never let a friend drive my lambo.

I would think shaking a person with a medical emergency would be the last thing you would want to do.

Brian Williams said he was there when Michael wrote the piece

I dunno. Isn’t Ford afraid that coming out with a Mustang Mach-E coupe may dilute the brand? I mean, when I think of Mustang, a crossover body style and full electric drivetrain are the first things that spring to mind, and the coupe has neither. 

Counterpoint. It looked like a shitty movie before and now it looks like a shitty movie with a less terrifying cherry on top. No one “owes” the studio any of their time or money.

I do not personally know any TTRPG players who actually care about perfectly balanced dice and I’ve been DMing for almost 20 years. They exist sure, if you go on amazon and look at dice, you’ll find reviews of people who’ve actually evaluated sets for accuracy, but we’re talking a really marginal case here.

Spoiler alert: The dead baby is Bruce Willis.

Hey Kinja commenters!

Nobody is pretending the show wasn’t good at one time. Stop.

The typical mistake is to believe that quality is only a question of assembly, while an assembly worker only has a little to do with it. The quality of the supply chain, but nore importantly the quality of the design has the highest quality impact.

This is no worse than Josh Allen seeing spooks.

“Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought something like this would happen to me, because I am a dog."

Too bad. Because when you mentioned the part about the dog and this hot mom, it sounded like it was going somewhere titillating.