Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

C’mon man, I gotta fucking live here.

This title is wrong and this won’t have any impact on anyone.

“Differences in refraction across the lens, as well as imperfections in its shape and materials, all contribute to some of those light rays, especially those entering the lens near its outer edges, missing the target. It’s a phenomenon known as spherical

yes they are

Look at lil’ Carlton here:

Pffft. You amateur. I shoplift all the time and I’ve never been caught because I ALWAYS take someone with me I can fake propose to. If I’m really worried, I might also bring along 6 accomplices. You better believe we’re living large in free t-shirts that your insurance premiums paid for. The Man will never stop us

Here’s some free Loss Prevention 101 training:

Holy fuck! It’s way worse than I thought. He lost most of his legs and torso too!

name doesn’t check out

Worth it.

Sure, says triathlon right there!  

That was a triathlon joke

Im sure it took a lot of self-restraint to not refer to the 70 year-old as a “sepukkugenarian.” Well done, Billy.

Actually, I already judge my past self by my current standards, and often come up short of the person I wanted to be. It is nothing but fair for future generations to judge me, and everyone else of my time, by their own standards. Even if their judgment is harsh. I’ve done shitty things which I will not do anymore. I

They noticed. They were just waiting for it to get big enough to extract the honey.

As a Knicks fan, though it seems logically impossible, this is correct.

Fuck you, Ferdinand and Isabella.

Christian Walker should stick to narrating those “Footprints in the Sand” posters

On the bright side, the 19 outs in 6.1 innings pitched ties the record for most outs recorded in that amount of innings

That’s the seal version of a mike drop.