Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Hot take: The original Supra wheels are ugly and cheap looking.

I have not watched since midway through season one so...what? I...it...how...why....HOW!?

you need to read your fucking bible. it’s crazy; one time jesus made the statue of liberty disappear.

This is such disingenuous horseshit.

My grandma said that she and many others would chew on tar during the Depression.

Gone with the Wind is actually a great comparison! It’s a nostalgia laden story told by a later generation, made to honor how great things were “back then,” while ignoring that all of their great times were created at the expense of others. Of course, the sand lot is a significantly smaller scale than Gone with the

Even in the book, Dr. Malcolm’s understanding of Chaos Theory was unconvincing. His version of chaos theory appeared to preclude any ordered systems from ever functioning, and completely over-looked the existence of chaotic, self-ordered systems (no snowflakes in Dr. Malcolm’s universe!).

Bogus Journey is better than Excellent Adventure. Fight Me!

Also he should be pushed into a river to see if he sinks or floats and if he floats he should be burned at the stake.

An actual editor would have caught that.

Huge contradiction in the headline, Nick. I mean, seriously, Deadspin editor?

Now playing

Trump also say this episode of the Flintstones.

“Don’t fuck me, daddy”

I know it’s like “not cool” or whatever to enjoy the sadness of an emotionally troubled young man, but knowing Allen grows up to become the Zodiac killer it seems like it’s OK in this instance.

as you typed this, somewhere in the bronx a man roused from his slumber to whisper, softly: “yeah jeets”

Maybe the bars that decapitated the kid were doing their job, maybe they weren’t. Should it really be up to the media, with its anti-decapitation bias, to decide?

“You know, I gotta tell ya, this new youthful Cubs lineup reminds me of the time they found those young men they found in the crawlspace of that one fella’s home - there’s a strike on the outside - Boy, that was somethin’, wasn’t it, Steve? - Damon Berryhill fouls that one off and now the count’s 0-and-2 - They were

But Johnny Football has been making the media rounds and taking responsibility for his past mistakes. Maybe when Kaepernick does the same and publicly says that he’s fine with police brutality and systemic racism then NFL teams might start to pay attention again.

This car is cool as hell and I respect everything about the work done on it. It looks absolutely awesome.