Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I don’t think you understand how nerves work.

He’s good at what he does too, man.

Yes, but no #9 seed had ever beaten a #16 seed. I was relying on that history when I bet my whole savings account...

Not surprised at this. A #16 seed has never beaten a #9 in NCAA tournament play.

+1 crow bar

I agree with Concept car was

Do you know the difference between an article and a court of law?

What real world punishment are you talking about? She’s dead - are they going to dig her up and pillory her bones or something?

Moolah being a piece of shit has been an open secret among wrestling fans since before 9/11, guy.

Exactly. When I saw the concept I was relieved for the brand. And I thought, finally, something worthy of the brand’s name and history. When I saw the production car in person, a town car at a sandwich shop (the driver was chatting up other town car drivers while on break), I had to do a double take. It looked no

I’ve been watching it for 38 minutes on a loop and I haven’t blinked yet. I’m dictating this to my son so he can write it for me so I don’t avert my eyes from the glory. Pray for me, 6th. Pray for me.

I’m usually turned off by “I can’t stop watching...” clickbait headlines, but I have to admit I watched that several times.

this entire article went in a direction i completely did not expect. i thought we would be focusing on the fact that while plogging is a thoughtful idea with a positive result, the participant risks disease and injury if they are not focused on what they pick up.

picking up trash while running being seen as a luxury for the wealthy because they only do it in clean areas is one of the biggest class warfare reaches i have ever read.

I definitely got a “this benefits the nicer areas more than the no-so-nice areas so I’m not gonna do it because it’s unequal and unjust” vibe. I smell rationalization of a weak argument.

But more off-the-beaten-path places—perhaps lower income or communities of color with fewer greenspaces—won’t benefit much if our plogging is restricted to well-maintained trails or more affluent neighborhoods.

If you don’t want to run and pick up trash, well, that’s a decision I expect most people to make and I don’t think that anyone should be expected to clean up after other slobs.

Wow, you are so brace Ari. You WON’T pick up trash. The hero we deserve. This position makes you interesting.

Who told Jaden Smith about Kinja?
