Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I’m a Jeep fan but I have to say, I agree with the Fish Guy. It’s incredibly disrespectful to the environment and an ad like that really encourages bad behavior on the part of Jeep owners. Hunters and fishermen, who make up a large segment of the Jeep market, are (or should be) great stewards of the environment. Jeep

I don’t think he’s related to Trump. And how do you know that the woman in that photo isn’t a prostitute?

Actually, the use of “appraised” in this particular context is correct.

Arteon Wayne!!! Arteon Garth!!!

Pebbles will live on forever...

You need a hug, buddy? Maybe it’d cheer you up if I did a little softshoe?

I’m trying to imagine driving a car with a Vantablack steering wheel on a Vantablack dash, with a Vantablack shifter on a Vantablack console.


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Look, speaking as an asshole from a cold area of the US (North Dakota), I’m begging all the other assholes from cold areas not to have a pissing contest over what is “cold.” Yeah, when we’re used to it, 15F is fairly balmy in February! For people that never experience even 32F (freezing), it’s cold as fuck, and they

Tebow said no, he’s sticking with the Mets.

The name Ernie Grunfeld sounds like a name adult voiceover Kevin Arnold would mention when talking about the summer the new kid moved in to the neighborhood on the Wonder Years.

I inserted a quarter in their peanut vending machine an nothing came out, told the clerk WTF. The clerk just said “ah never mind it happens sometimes”while tossing a quarter in my general direction. This is when I went ballistic on him and told him he was an inconsiderate cunt.

Kevin Hart Attempts To Scale Trophy Podium, Denied By Much Larger Man Literally Anyone Else In The Stadium

Or, maybe, they know that Prince and Timberlake didn’t exactly get along, and he was pretty explicit during his life that he didn’t want to be used in that way after death.

Extra points for putting up the right version.

“closed course man-made lake and waterfall” I chuckled at that

That’s more grip, not less.

I had to read this sentence about ten times to figure out what the hell it was saying.