Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Of course he does, he’s the Grand Nagus.

Hey, Richard Dreyfuss isn’t that bad.

The answer is obvious. Mapmakers. You can sell a globe for a lot more than a flat sheet of paper.

It’s an electric motor. The sounds are simulated.

“My hand didn’t really grab your ass. It was just a random collision of atoms, set in motion at the beginning of time.”

There’s a chance he’ll stop by the holodeck on the way to the end zone and start fapping to virtual Deanna Troi. Easy to strip the ball, then.

My daily prayer:

Whew! That really relieves my anxieties about my nickname of “Syphilis Dick”

“JuJus will not replace us” - Martavis Bryant

I would prefer more of a Dr Seuss type vehicle with the driver on top

What do you expect? It’s Mike McCartky for fucks sake. He might have had a backbone once, but he slathered it in KC Masterpiece and ate it.

Why would you want a guy with significant NFL experience (including deep in the playoffs - who, admittedly, may take a few weeks to get acclimated to the system/offense) when you’ve got stalwarts like Brett Hundley and Joe Callahan?

In n Out is far from great but if you think Five Guys is better, I have to question your taste and judgment. Five Guys is abysmal. In n out is a delicious fast food burger and thats it. Not worth going out of your way for but good for the price and much better than its fast food peers.

Part of the In-N-Out mystique is that, unless you’re on the west coast (or as far east as Texas these days) it is forbidden fruit. If I could get In-N-Out whenever I wanted, I’d probably grow bored with it. When I’m out west, a double-double with fries and a strawberry shake is on my must-do list.

Well I for one want to make it crystal clear that I, Señor Bolognese, am absolutely and categorically not threatening President 45, USA, when I say that I hope that he chokes on a chicken bone from KFC, and dies a painful strangling type death.

You’re greycist!

But what else could it be about? Hopefully a shit ton of greys can explain this complex issue to me.

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

Running out the clock down 10 with less than 2 minutes to go? Found Andy Reid’s Kinja account.