Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

I just figured out how to hide all these unsightly autonomous car lidar systems. They’ll become the hood ornaments of the 21st century. You can barely see the lidar now.

Also, a George Foreman Grill is not shaped like George Foreman. When you want to grill something, you don’t grab George Foreman by the sternum, pull his rib cage apart, and shove some meat in. You don’t start grilling by pushing the xiphoid process.

Joe Thomas says he’s already experiencing memory loss, he then goes on to explain that he’s already experiencing memory loss.

A brown 1981 Nissan Datsun Maxima Diesel. It talked. Not always when it was supposed to, but it talked. In 1981. Before Knight Rider aired. And it wasn’t an electronic voice. It was a little cylinder record, probably salvaged from Thomas Edison’s trash shed, and you could hear it reset when it finished talking.

The Plague Dogs captures that same beautiful, empty feeling that Watership Down has (it’s not for everyone), but holy fuck, that ending. Brutal. I’ve watched Watership Down many times, but I’ve only watched The Plague Dogs once.

I saw it when I was 4, and I became kind of obsessed with it. My brother and sister hated it, but it fell into the disturbingly fascinating zone for me. I showed it to my own kids when they were little. One hated it, but the other kept asking “Can we watch the film where the bunny says ‘the field is covered in

“Just kill me”

Which one is the real Jessica Rabbit? The resemblance is uncanny.

Not baseball, but a fondue accident took out 2 kickers and a wife in my all time favorite sports injury.

That’s depressing. But think how much more awesome the NFL would be if they adopted his helmet style.

Now playing

I don’t know. After seeing the Kung Fury theme song he did, this left me disappointed.

Boy! Every Single UndeRhandEd Thing On DRIves to the hoop Negates King james’ YOlo UndeRpants OVulAtion cunniLingus Turtle shINE!

It’s easy. If you look at only the uppercase letters, they spell “The payoff was not worth the small effort it took to figure this out.”

I’ll never understand why this guy has so many male fans. And why do they dress like rainbow horses?

Can confirm. I’ve added 23 extra seats to my Forester. The insurance company pays me now.

They won’t need to cut anything out to shorten it significantly. The fact that they’ll only need to show women’s clothing, rather than describe it in detail, shortens the series by at least three or four books.

As a young adult reading them, I didn’t really notice anything wrong with the male/female interactions either. I re-read them last year (I’m in my 40s now), and I felt embarrassed for Jordan. If they don’t change the male female dynamic for the TV adaptation, I guarantee that a drinking game will develop centered

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Hava Nagila done right is badass driving music.

I swear to God I remember Sinbad being an all star center in the NBA from the mid 90s well into the aughts, but people are telling me it was actually this dude’s dad.