Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Oooh. A miniature luck dragon!

I don’t know exactly how you eat the sun, but I do have personal space ship available for pre-order that will get at least get you there if you’re interested.

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In 56, they sent in a coupon lady. With desperately sore bottoms, the mayor, and other and city officials, waited at the porta-potties. The coupon lady had made it to aisle nine and was squeezing something on the shelf, when she screamed. They watched in horror as toilet paper streamed and wrapped itself around the

He’s always been money when shooting from the elbow.

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I don’t care about testing. I just think that everything should go on the Nürburgring because it’s awesome seeing this stuff.

The first to reach hearths mantle.

When I see an x-ray, I wonder how they’ve preserved the image of a ghost. But one thing I do know, is that my client is suffering from criminally untreated periodontitis.

I’ll give him Black Sails seasons 2-4. I can’t think of another show that took such a big jump in quality after the first season.

Given that I’ve seen Hopkins say that he will basically do anything if the price is right, I’m guessing that a substantial donation to his bank account could be the explanation.

This has been a fun ordeal to follow. I think next year you should go easy on yourself, and try to build an off-roader from scratch starting with discarded soup cans and aluminum foil. Give yourself at least two weeks.

Fairfax County Police reported on Friday that the man, known only to us a Plaxico B, was rushed to a local hospital after shooting himself while trying to holster his weapon at the National Firearms Museum.

I would have done that dunk too, but unfortunately we’re not all blessed with parents as short as young Mr. Hands.

You think that image is patriotic, but what he’s really thinking is “Oh Canada. Please give me refuge until this Trumpsterfire™ burns itself out.”

I’m going to second what SillyPuttyStrangler said and then add to it. I wear a 15AA. I select for size on Amazon, sort the price low to high, and check in periodically. When I see something on sale for a low price and it sort of fills a need, I buy it. If they don’t fit, I donate them or return them. I’ve got a

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I think part of the problem for me is that he doesn’t have the natural dorkiness that I think is essential to pull of Superman/Clark Kent. For an example of what I mean, here’s Christopher Reeve discovering grey whale penises.

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I don’t know about that. I suffer from extreme CGI aversion syndrome, and while the Tarkin scenes rose “Yeesh, that looks bad” level, the young Leia scene cranked it all the way up to “Ahhhh, what the fuck was that”. Anyway, whenever I’m having a difficult time with modern CGI, I just watch this to put things in

I’m Latino, just recently moved to Vermont, and tried to get my license at the Burlington DMV. They subjected me to an hour and a half of suspicion, hostility, and other bullshit, before ultimately denying me my license for a clearly made up reason. I’ve procured licenses in PA,NY,CA without issue, and currently had

I actually had a “Wait, Michael Crichton wrote The Crystal Star” moment before I came to my senses.

Mmmmmmm, Baked Rabbit.