Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

Out of any car I’ve ever seen, this is the one I’d most like to see barrel full charge into a giant block of cheese. 

It goes back way further than that, as Richard III was also known as the heir grabber.

One of those used to be my daily.

Lay off the man. He had the vision and foresight to see that signing Kevin Durant was a good idea this off-season while every other team was doggedly chasing after Arron Afflalo.

I feel bad, because what he can do is really damn impressive, but when I got to this part:

I think they had a design team that came up with a handsome, if unoriginal, car design, and there’s that one guy high up at the company that everyone has to pander to that came in and said, “BORING! What if we added some black and orange accent here and here, and how about a long streak of it here. Now that, folks, is

I don’t know, but I’m taking them because I assume something as awesome sounding as “Omega 3” will eventually give me more super powers. My current powers aren’t cutting it.

You’ve got Newton on the brain. Terrible disease, with all it’s seeming to make sense.  Photons have relativistic mass proportional to their momentum.

And on top of that, it’s just not impressive. I mean, think of the weight savings this kid has.

Now playing

Did you know that Michael Jackson did not invent a teleportation device for his halftime show? It was actually cloning device, and each old clone was murdered when the new clone appeared. I was fooled.

So it’s not still the case that directions to anywhere always include “when you come to the abandon factory” somewhere in them?

This goes back to 1990, when he somehow convinced Marv Levy to hardly run the ball until near the end of the game even though the Giants were practically conceding it and Thurman Thomas was one of the best backs in the game.

Another Counterpoint:

Another good one that I don’t think has been suggested yet is Silence in the Library. My wife wasn’t a Dr. Who fan until she started half watching this one with me, and this got her hooked. It’s a two-parter though.

I thought that, while David Tennant and Matt Smith (like them ,or not) hit the ground running with their versions of the Doctor, Capaldi start was shaky at best. But, man, once he got it down, he nailed it. I’m sad to see him go.

Randy Moss would pout and quit if things weren’t going his way. That’s worse than obnoxious. I don’t recall TO ever quitting on his team.

I’m going to spoil the plot to the third episode in hopes you’ll watch, because it’s so fucking stupid and I feel more people should suffer. They basically go to Crazy Person Island Prison to see their sister, but it’s a trap, because she runs the place, and is just pretending to be a prisoner for kicks. How does she

That’s called the “Oh shit, I’m shooting vertical video. This’ll fix it.”