Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

@lehners: In this case, students *need* to know the backstory of evolution v. creationism to understand how these ideas came about and why they are important.

@Prick Top: Due to the fact that I am married, I am psychologically unable to look at a woman who is not my wife, even one with a booty you could set drink on, in a lustful manner.

@Now imma throw my gyroball: I'm currently unemployed, but $15/hr? Did you just graduate from college with a degree in Ancient Celtic?

@longboarderlc: When there's some science that backs up creationism, then we can teach it in science class.

@AvalonBright: OK. Why don't you explain yourself instead of complaining and being belligerent? What does creationism mean to you? And who the hell thinks creationists are only Christians? If that's what people talk about, it's because, in this country, most of the creationists who are trying to have non-science

@Steve U: I bought the first one for cheap, along with about 10 other games during the steam holiday sale. I think I'll actually start playing them when I can find someone to pawn my kids off on.

Strangely, two similar, earlier incidents were how it became a monopod in the first place.

I only brush with electric twigs.

I find his story totally plausible. When I want to protest American racism, I fly half way around the world and do it after a session of good old fashioned Vanuatu land diving.

What I've learned from all this is that Asians are genetically inferior when it comes to monkey impressions.

@Canabian: Try autoerotic asphyxiation.

@Lionel Osbourne: All I know is that I ended up sore, and all I got was a few Canada Mints. And not the tasty pink ones, the disgusting white ones.

@Bevraj of Choice: I don't know if anyone's actually hooked up. It's just one long never ending thread, so I don't think there will be any follow up.

Anyone else left fake profiles at Gawker Dating.

@UweBollocks: Normally, I would keep fighting to the death, but I just ended up being totally confused.