Benedict Arnold? Traitor!

This reminds me of the misappropriated t-shirt cannon at a Phish concert.

I have five dollars for the first Deadspinner to achieve a star on Fleshbot. Send me a link to your starring comment, and you could be treated to the glorious sight of Abe Lincoln staring back at you next time you open your mail. This offer is null and void in Rhode Island, because I fucking hate Rhode Island, as

You forgot to tell me that a scene involving dominatrix nipple impalement might be unsafe for work!

@Shiverr!: The background is an interpenetration of what the universe might have looked like as we go back in time. So on the left you have what it looks like today. In the middle, you have what the universe looks like 6 or 7 billion light years ago. On the far right, the first stars are forming, but galaxies don't

@Zendax: unless the cosmic material that eventually became our Earth moved faster than the speed of light at some point.

@Neeraj Verma: Well, we can't see back to the moment of the Big Bang, but the universe did expand faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is the limit anything can move through space, not the limit to which space itself can expand.

@Aurailious: It's hard to grasp, but the big bang happened everywhere. There's no one place you can point. Any direction point the telescope, you're looking back in time to a point closer to the big bang.

@Milzo: It wouldn't scale well. The larger it gets, the less efficient it gets at heating the water, which means even more wasted fuel. By the time you actually got it up an running, you'd quickly run out of water, need to stop it, refill it, and start over. And it still wouldn't be very powerful. To be powerful

@ahzdeen001: I have no doubt there are ways to transmit the force from an aeolipile, or series of aeolipiles into pulling force, but not in any way that would be practical for the moving of large objects. My point was that the aeolipile was in no way ahead of it's time. It could have been first built 2000 years

Even if the time of the Diolkos had matched up perfectly to the invention of the aeolipile, how exactly would you adopt an aeolipile to pull a ship? The aeolipile is a cool toy, but it wasn't, and hasn't been adopted for anything useful because of it's inefficiency. Had someone in ancient Greece somehow managed to

Thank god they didn't select his girlfriend.

@99TelepodProblems: To be fair, synapsids at the time referred to the great dying as "Our 9/11".

All I have to say about Half Life is that I enjoyed Portal.


This is an especially insensitive misspelling considering the real Shane Soughtwell died of dehydration.

@EggoROYffle: No! When your wife puts the kids to bed, that's your "me" time.

@Achiever: It can be buggy. The second time I lost my star, the notification by the comment didn't show. I kept looking back at the most likely culprits, and eventually it appeared after a couple of days. You'll get it back, though. In the meantime, enjoy responding to idiots without promoting them.

@Sheed's Bald Spot: I always find that changing my Avatar is a good, cheap way to unwind.

Don't bring him back! Let's let Qui-Gons be Qui-Gons.

@Frizzaldo...: It depends. The can of 4Loko I used had to be at least 200 years old.