Matthew Abel

Aside from sharing the same floor─which is an amazing detail─this is 4/5 places I’ve ever been with “Asian” and “buffet” in the name. I expect a shoddy koi pond and a sign telling me not to throw coins in, and I’m concerned if it’s not there.

I never was fond of how Ultron was treated in AOU. He’s a Thanos-level villain, who could easily serve as the big bad of several MCU films... and he didn’t even survive one movie. I know he technically could have survived Age of Ultron, but if he did, I feel like we would have seen him (in the live-action MCU

I still feel like Patton Oswalt is a horrible piece of casting for Matthew. Nothing against Patton himself, but his voice is just so recognisable and intrinsically “comedy” in my head and I just don’t see it fitting tonally.

We’ve got a funny relationship with fruit cakes in America. Generations of shitty ones scarred us for good.

This is a nice bunch, nothing annoying so far. Happy to see a Paisan in the lineup and I always like the contrast of a youngster vs a seasoned baker. Jürgen’s Mini Swiss rolls—did I dream this or did Noel actually take one and look like he might eat it? I assumed he was a Breatharian... Anyway good start and looking

It also suffered a lot from a lack of promotion and time slot shuffling. It was an excellent show that built a lot on the mythos without the corny non-existent stakes of the 80s original.

Potato buns or GTFO.

I find that people overthink burgers and hotdogs way too much. Burgers and hotdogs are what makes America great, they can be whatever you want them to be. You want to eat them dry as fuck with nothing on them? Hey no skin off my back. You want to stack everything under the sun on them Dagwood style? Be my guest. There

I wouldn’t mind seeing some experiments on what adjacent toppings prevent firmer items from sliding out, e.g. onions, pickles, etc.

Sauce against the bun only makes sense if it’s an oily ingredient (mayo, chimichurri, aioli, sour-cream-based dressing, etc.) to prevent the meat or tomato juices from turning the bun to paste. Keep really wet items like tomatoes as far from the bun as possible, like under the lettuce. I wouldn’t mind seeing some

I’ll nominate any beverage, specifically those small plastic barrels with the foil tops that we called “Little Hugs” or “Huggies” that were filled with a Kool-Aid-like drink. Do these still exist? I haven’t seen them in years, but I am long since out of their target demographic.

Peanut butter kisses!

I don’t hate it, I just thought it was a bland and surprisingly boring movie. By the end, the silly CG monsters having their little tantrum had no emotional ties to anything, and I was glad it was coming to an end. So, okay, no hate, but I AM surprised that they thought, hey, let’s continue this iteration of the

Is there “all the hate for it”? I would’ve said indifference. It was fine; not amazing, not terrible. There also seems to be a level of confusion about its canonical status which probably contributes too — presumably that’s mostly down to Ruffalo replacing Norton, but I think there’s also a perception that it’s a

I disagree, in that I think McQuarrie is the best thing that’s happened to the franchise. Rogue Nation and Fallout are by far my favourites, and my expectations for 7 and 8 are sky high. It’s not the huge stunts (they’re just the cherry on top), it’s the way McQ expertly constructs set pieces — the opera sequence in Ro

They hit a new, franchise-reviving gear starting with the fourth, when they built their movies around “What if Tom Cruise did [crazy stunt] for real?” In an era of action movies being CG’d and chroma key’d to hell, these last few movies have been a delight in watching actors and stuntmen to do the damndest things for

Unfortunatley the Mission franchise is, to me, only about that ONE stunt. I remember the Burj Khalifa, I remember hanging off the plane and the skydiving. After MI3, though, they all seem to run together and are indiscernible from one another. I know Cavill is in there somewhere, but honestly I couldn’t tell you which

You go back to the first MI and there’s big action but it’s mostly movie-magic wizardry (of the 90s).

I live in Nashville and had a bunch of these. It’s very tasty, very simple and incredibly overpriced for what you’re getting. They’re good, but they shouldn’t charge more than a dollar for how small it is.

I remember saving up over 200 kool aid points because i always wanted the glass kool aid pitcher and cup set.