Matthew Abel

I think its the best “odd” one, for sure. The problem is so many folks can only do good or bad, they can’t do levels. This is a fun movie, lots of good performances.

Thisis what I heard as well. Since Frito Lay provides their chips already, it makes all of it less expensive. 

I didn’t care for Afterlife. It was too long and too serious. The Ghostbusters movies were comedies. 

I enjoyed Lisa Frankenstein quite a bit, mainly because I haven’t seen a movie this weird in a while. Lisa’s unraveling worked for me as it seemed to be channeling similar B-movie protagonists who make weird ass decisions. None of it seemed realistic - it had a weird magic realism sense about it.

It’s a lot better than BBT.

Beef hot dogs are gross. Beef just doesn't work in hot dogs and I can't sit here and read that weird, bafflingly gamey Beef hot dog flavor would improve a Chicago dog.

About the same, though I really didn’t enjoy The Flash. It really bothered me to have Michael Keaton and Superwoman on screen, both awesome at the roles, and then they die. No point to it. That type of story where timelines get erased has to be done very well and this wasn’t.

To each their own, of course, but here’s what I like about it. It’s not trying to be too serious, I think the four guys know how stupid the whole thing looks - especially Tracy Morgan. It’s not subversive or anything like that, I think it’s solely on the “so dumb it’s funny” train, especially because (with the

Can we get a ridiculous sequel name?

I’d actually prefer a completely different party, maybe with the Paladin character the same? That’d be pretty fun.

OR have the same actors, but they’re playing completely different characters as one might do after finishing a campaign. 

Shouldn’t all bagels taste malty due to the malt syrup?

I really enjoyed it. It was fun to watch, I didn’t get bored, they had some creative action and good character moments. I’ve said elsewhere, but I thought the humor was integrated really well. It didn’t undercut the emotion, and it also seemed in character for the characters.

This is how I felt. I thought the jokes were also far better integrated and less distracting than some Marvel outings. They have a tendency to completely undercut emotional beats, or to just say “get it?” This had some wacky sci-fi stuff that worked really well, imo. The Flerken scene was played for laughs, but they

I think he uses “garnish” like most of us use “side.” His garnishes are always meant to be eaten, at least as far as I’ve seen.

ABSOLUTELY. Over on Reddit people are wondering how they can possible make a movie like this since Link is always a solo hero. I’m thinking - he doesn’t have to be?

Lol, no. Easily one of the best. 

Any tomato is poor on a burger. The best tomatoes are wet and slidey. They are meant for tomato sandwiches, not doing nothing to improve a burger. Do you love tomatoes? I do. There’s no point!

Absolutely. Raw onion is way too strong. I’ll never understand anyone who claims it makes a burger taste better.

Man, this is tough. A lot of these TT folks push their own supplements and act like EVERY thing is dangerous to eat. There’s a small group of folks who push back at that and will often reference research about stuff like aspartame. It’s refreshing because many of them talk more about being sure you get plenty of

T’Lyn and Strange New Worlds’ Spock both play terrific straight characters. T’Lyn especially in this episode delivers fantastic, witty, sharp lines which still are very Vulcan.