Matthew Abel

“Like thinking that a monster revolution was a good thing if it happened on a time scale of months rather than days?”

I kinda wanna see a version of this movie where all the skree-onk and non-verbal communication is replaced by actual English trashtalk. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing, you three-headed shitheel? This is my planet, bitch, so get out or I’m gonna kick all of your teeth in.” “ Hey, humans - I’m trying to fight for

So can I just say that I loved this movie? I never wanted to cheer for Big G as much as I did in this one. I really don’t get the bad reviews. This movie was awesomesauce.

Honestly I’ve love if they bring Watanabe back as a different character and just don’t say anything.

“I like the idea where he comes back as 400-foot tall radioactive Serizawa,” Dougherty joked. “Like, Serizilla.”

The Blue Album isn’t Weezer’s best album.

It’s the best album ever please and thank you.

Green” was okay, felt a little overproduced. I liked the messier Maladroit that followed. But you’re not wrong that some of the songs on Pinkerton haven’t aged well. Still my favorite. 

SA’s Lager is a very drinkable go to when your choices are limited at airports, casual places as many have stated. New Belgium makes a nice selection of solid beers. Rarely disappointed with their beers.

When the hammer started moving in the final battle I was muttering to myself, “Please be Cap, not Vision. Please be Cap, PLEASE!”

You and me both. If there was one film where they needed to dial back on the jokes, this was the one. Shit, cut the jokes down and this movie’s 30 min shorter and I wouldn’t have minded that at all.

Yes, thank you! It some ways it’s a very basic hero thing - risking your life to save the bad guy is sort of Heroism 101. But maybe that’s why that moment works so well - Spider-Man rushing into the flames to save the life of someone who was trying to kill him is a very earnest, unapologetically pure moment of

I guess next episode might make me an idiot, but I thought the twist at the end (very cool, agreed) just gave the audience the info that the crew will never have: it’s all timeline splits, all the way.

Thank you! Couldn’t agree more. Laika movies are seriously lacking in the script department. They do not use real writers, or even people who have good understanding of narrative flow, let alone character development. Why? 

As someone who gets really upset when people talk during a movie, even I think it’s unreasonable to get upset at kids, particularly when it’s a family oriented movie. Hell, a little boy behind me at Cars 3 made it much more exciting because he was so invested in it and shouted things like, “Go, Lightning! Go go go

It’s not *entirely* wrong - there were many times the Kubo dialogue fell way short of the visuals.

But this is one of those moments where you find a person more thoroughly and violently invested in something than you’ll ever be about anything, and the only appropriate reaction is to nod and start slinking away.

I appreciated your comment, though I have not seen a Laika film since Coraline.

Kubo and the Two Strings is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen - every frame a painting, an incredible display of the animator’s craft.

It was also terrible.

A bog-standard hero’s journey plot with some pan-Asian visuals added for ‘exotic flavour’ [like a 50s Suburban American stir-fry recipe that’s green

Here’s the weird thing: I think he’s actually perfect for this version of Luthor who’s been around since Crisis. The one who’s mad at the world for not giving him what he thinks he deserves, which is adoration and submission. Kinda sounds like a type of man currently in the world doesn’t it? Assholes who think they

Finally, Supergirl takes on the Elite in the trailer for “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice And The American Way?”

While some may feel it’s a copout that Jane survived her destined death