Matthew Abel

Ive never in my life seen an unfilled long john and I think people would be pissed at me if I tried to offer one. This is in West Michigan. We've got gas stations who do donuts and long Johns (Bavarian or Holland creme) are a staple.

I have never seen a Long John that wasn't filled.

I’ve got no patience with people who look down on pre-packaged foods. Some folks don’t have the time, money, or expertise to do things any other way. What I think is important is trying to find time to share a meal with family, or friends, or both. Some people are just struggling to feed their family.

Also - trends

I use a small fry pan and caramelize the diced pieces a bit before I put them on. As you say, it’s really only bad when the pineapple juice runs around. It keeps the cheese from browning, too. Precooking it is definitely the way to go.

This is what I was thinking, too. It’s not squished on, it’s laid flat, right?


There’s going to be people who complain about McCormick “ruining” their jars, I’m sure.

My one complaint with Aldi is the long check-out lines. It’s easier to park and get in to most Aldi’s, so it could be a nice quick stop. I wish more grocery stores had a common item case near the front. Our local small store has one and it’s easy to run in, buy milk, and leave. This is the type of thing self-scan is

He has a couple of half-sisters. I think one popped up last year and another’s been around since early 90s. Kang’s been a descendant of Nathaniel since the 80s, though.

Here in West Michigan we do have some good church fish fries. But the best around here are usually local lodges like Knights of Columbus or the Eagles or similar. 

I enjoyed this movie a lot, but I also see the bogged-down-ed-ness of “The Franchise.” I don’t think this movie suffers as much as Captain America or Thor. It’s bizarre that anyone would called it the “Captain America Trilogy” when it’s two movies that are loosely connected and Avengers 2.5. Same with Thor. The

This makes a lot of sense and it fits well with a lot of the 80s/90s sci-fi action movies that (weirdly) got kids cartoons. Thinking of Robocop and Toxic Avengers.

This idea is dang good. It would have added a lot to it. 

This was a Fantastic Four movie, imo. The family vibe, fighting in a different realm, etc. I could have seen this reskinned with the FF, easily. I also got the same Star Wars vibe a lot of other folks did.

Kang isn’t a descendant of Reed, he’s a descendant of Reed’s Dad.

Yeah, that’s true. What’s interesting is how the little air fryer modeled like a deep fryer is slowly getting bumped by better convection toaster ovens or multi cookers. I’m already sick of the dumb drawer and how hard it is to clean and am eying a multi-micro/convection oven for when our main microwave dies.

Ponderosa was always a favorite of mine. The buffet was never as large as OCB, certainly not Golden Corral, but the food quality was better and it tasted good. We used to hit up Bonanza in college as well - they had one for quite a while. I remember they always had a giant wedge of cheddar you could cut slices from.

An ice cold beer is refreshing. I enjoy drinking beer. Alcohol does not enjoy me too often. Many times as I’ve gotten older it only takes me one drink and I’m hungover the next morning.

I thought that got a little too weird, but a good idea.

I’d happily die on the hill we need better exhaust fans in homes regardless of electric or gas. It’s bizarre we happily fill the kitchen with smoke if the wrong thing spills in the oven, or when searing food. I’ll never understand why they aren’t standard in homes.