Matthew Abel

I agree so much. It’s not that hard to make and people are wowed. I do think the boxed stuff is easier, but not by much. However, I’ve never been able to make homemade in a small portion - it’s always a family size portion. Always delicious.

Came to recommend the same thing. It can take a bit of water, so I usually only do it when I’m sealing a bunch of bags, but it works really well. Sometimes the vacuum sealer doesn’t want to work correctly.

Or, get burger. People like too much stuff on burgers (and pizza). Like, I don’t know. Eat what you like of course, but I don’t think people really bother to taste and judge if they really like something or if its just the way they’ve always had it.

I still want to at least try that Wendy’s sandwich, but just looking at the ingredients - I don’t think bacon has a role to play at all and I don’t think Wendy’s understands how to bread a sandwich.

I wish these features would drop the Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods pieces. These are not as omnipresent as folks seem to think. Better to inclu

While the free waivers are likely doomed, this is something that can be brought to the local school board or through further research at the state level. As the article explains, this is not the same across the nation.

Working at an overnight camping facility, we were hosting a group that killed all our ranch. We couldn’t just run to the store but we did have a big jar of mayo and another of sour cream. My work partner was literally aghast as I whipped them together with a bunch of pepper, garlic and onion powders, some salt, and a

Cash only is super annoying. I don’t even mind having to meet a minimum purchase or whatever, but unless you’re far removed from broadband or something, have a card machine. There’s a few places I could understand, but, especially if you’re selling mainly to tourists, you need a card machine.

I used to eat “raw” hot dogs as a child and the thought makes me so queasy now.

I have to agree. They also plump them up really well compared to boiling.

It must depend on both the quality of the dog and the bologna. I remember vividly as a youth trying Oscar Mayer’s offerings of both at the same time (back when I ate cold hot dogs as a snack) and they tasted exactly the same.

I’m going to pile on here - you’re missing a bunch of brands. Also, if you’re going to cram Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods in there, you may as well be judging the house brands for Walgreen’s, Walmart, Kroger, etc. Good grief.

There’s a few regional, but well-known, brands missing here - but Utz is particularly damning.

I would love to love our local burger place - everyone does. But each time I’ve gone, the meat has basically been meatloaf meat made almost-smash burger style, so there’s chunks of onion in the meat. People rave about this place, but I think its completely disgusting.

They are the absolute best on grilled cheese. Even if using a different cheese, I’ll use one to help with the melting. They are scientifically designed for maximum salty-fatty-meltitude.

I remember reading a different article somewhere that baby carrots are NOW made from carrots specifically bred with to be a little sweeter and easier to polish down into the baby carrots. They’d likely still be indistinguishable from regular carrots by most of us.

I did find this source, but I don’t know how reputable

Cheese is technically edible mold and for many people, the funkier the better.

Subway tastes cold. Or warm. It does not really taste great. 

That sucks. I’ve never used the SB app (we have a local coffee stand I prefer), but I’ve not had that experience with Wendy’s or McDonald’s. I could see it happen at Wendy’s, less so at McDs.

I’m sure he did it because of his “multi-verse” where Flagg ultimately dies in The Dark Tower.