Matthew Abel

Just bananas. Epic 7-Season Fantasy just sitting here and NO ONE has ever made it in a visual medium. Oh well.

It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, but one aspect I loved about Top Chef was the online community. Especially finding a decent review site to talk it over, but Tom used to do a blog post for every episode, too. It was nice because he would provide insight to the “drama” and focus a lot on the food.

Looked this up on wikipedia and it sounds really fun. It also has that “I could try this at home!” bonus feel to it.

There is a fantastic story somewhere about the data Target collects: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=70838bb06668

Yeah, I forgot about him. I do still think there will be a lot of inconsistency in multi-versal portrayals. But since it’s a multi-verse, what can we do?

The mobile apps are amazing. You often get good coupons, but more importantly to me, you know what the store has. There have been promotions certain stores in my area haven’t done, or stores that run out of other limited offers. This is partly what slows me down in the drive-thru, if I’m still hungry. I think back to

I do Waffle Wednesdays occasionally with my students in 4th grade. It’s pretty fun.

The two best tools I have are a kitchen scale and a stand mixer. I can use the stand mixer bowl to measure everything in and get it kneaded. Easy peasy.

I throw an ice cube on the floor of the oven.

Baking bread is one of those hobbies that is pretty easy to start, but can really take you on some journeys. I’ve got all this stuff and it really makes it easy, but if I had to pick just one thing, it would be the scale, followed by the stand mixer.

With a name like “City of a Thousand Planets,” I was expecting bombastic EE Smith style space opera, likely ridiculous and fun. And it was so self-serious and boring.

I assumed they were brother and sister until I saw the movie. God, they looked terrible as well as if they never slept. Terrible leads.

Star Wars built upon a LOT of previous movies. I don’t know how familiar audiences were with those, but they WOULD have been familiar with serials and the general tropes Star Wars plays on. There is also the use of the Hero’s Journey. It’s built on a lot of tropes, so it’s very palatable.

I think they’re going to go by inconsistent rules. No Way Home’s Peter Parkers were fan-service - now, I think they’ll try to stick with the same actors. Which is stupid for the reasons you state. 

Most of the places around me (WestMichigan) offer home/American fries OR hashbrowns (shredded). Not that it affects this much, but I’m happy it’s become standard because I much prefer hasbrowns.

I carmelize, deglaze with wine, then cook it down again until sufficiently jammy. Then, can in half-pint jars. I don’t think they need to be pressure canned because onions, salt, sugar don’t seem too dangerous, but probably. Anyway, I’ve NEVER thought about freezing them.

I agree, especially the Illuminati. If it had just been alternate versions of our heroes, I think it might have landed better. But they played up introducing Dr. X and Reed and similar, so it was distracting overall. The MCU pieces of this movie bogged it down.

This could have been a Dr. Strange solo movie, still with America, without Wanda easily. Almost everything could have been the same. Maybe Mordo’s the villain, trying to use the multi-verse to “pay the bill” or whatever.

I don’t hate Krasinski, but I think he’s terrible for Reed Richards. I don’t buy him in the role at all. Maybe it’s because of the Office, but I think he can play other roles well enough. There’s nothing about him that screams “Reed Richards.” 

Mayo is fantastic. It’s a wonderful sandwich spread, great binder for salads, tastes great on burgers with some pepper, and it’s the most sensible of condiments.