Matthew Abel

A plain plate of noodles with a little bit of butter - and some garlic/parm - is the easiest treat when I’m feeling very lazy.

I love this kind of article. Like beer, there’s SO MANY vanity sauces out there and even saucing daily meals, it takes forever to run out of a bottle. Currently, I stick to Cholula most of the time but I would love to push the boundaries a bit. Valentino is also a fave, but I’ve not tried the suggested above.

Saw this headline and guessed the author. Which is a good thing, ‘cause I love these articles.

Ffrozen food is king. Some food is harder to self-freeze, but most food is more about thaw/cooking after freezing. Frozen pizza is such a lifesaver. Spinach of course.

BOO! Thin Mint haters UNITE! You know what is a boring flavor? Chocolate. You know what makes it worse? Mint! Thin Mints are a pox, and I don’t care that I’m hugely outnumbered. They are gross.

This looks like something I'd love to eat but not cook.

I used to eat fireweed honey ice cream in AK, and while not in my top ten, still great. There are lots of regional flavors. So, yeah, absolutely. All those flavors you listed are on my list of flavors.

Are these the best canned foods or the best canned ingredients? Because there’s some ready-made canned foods that I keep in my cupboard (3/4 bean salad! German potato salad! Soups!) and there’s the ingredient variety.

I greatly prefer my tomato paste out of the tube. I assume this is me being overly-picky with wording, but it’s so much easier to use.

Fresh, fresh green peas are only in season for like, a week, and they are incredible. Frozen is the best substitute, but I grew up on canned peas and have always loved them. I do not understand folks who don’t.

We can our own corn (and beans, tomatoes, etc) but not everyone has the time, and we never can enough! Canned corn from the supermarket has always tasted aces for us. I have never enjoyed pineapple that is not fresh, though. If I’m cooking with it, yes, but I’ve always preferred it cut up.

My folks would always pack a cooler of crackers, cheese, etc for long trips because we couldn’t afford to eat out a lot. They packed smoked oysters as an adult treat when my sis and I were under ten, thinking there’s no way we’d eat and enjoy them. Well.

This should have been listed with the jalapenos, absolutely. Better, though. I also may be leaning into pedant territory, but jalapenos from a can are typically garbage compared to those in a jar - at least, from what I’ve found. The article probably means both, but still.

Plus - and I don’t care who fights back - chocolate ice cream is typically trash. Like, real trash. I’d put the best vanilla against the best chocolate - heck, I’d put the worst vanilla against the best chocolate - and I’d easily pick the vanilla.

I love plain black coffee and also coffee ice cream, so I disagree.

Do you microwave them first? 

I support this stance 100%. Homemade hashbrowns leave potato stringies everywhere. Towel? Stuck. Salad Spinner? Still get everywhere. Dried in oven? Extra work.

The appearance of the ships worked for me due to the Williams’ score and the predictability, kind of. I had to do some mental work to get myself excited for it, if that makes sense. Because I REALLY wanted to love IX and I did not.

Carrot Top got ripped because all he had to do on tour was lift weights and smoke weed. He’s also pretty funny in person.

Came to say the same. Major tourist/cultural dish up there.