Matthew Abel

Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. I’m out.

I really enjoy homage-shots. I find them fascinating and a cool way to homage without being over the top about it.

Jimmy Olson in the comics had always been interesting. He’s got no superpowers, but heads into danger at least as much as Lois. The Kirby comics really give him a cool story to be a part of.

Just saw that yesterday - and I was even thinking “I wonder if they’ll just recast Ethan Hunt eventually, or just keep the IMF thing,” not that it matters either way. It really is a great spy/tech flick. Haven’t seen Spectre, probably not ‘till DVD.

These damn things.

I’d really like Winn to turn into Comet the super horse. I feel that’s where the arc is naturally progressing.

If the script for future films is hack work - the major problem with this movie is it’s the first in a series and I think a lot of it was to speedily set up for the next one. I think ep VIII will be a lot better, I honestly do, because it doesn’t have to set up everything.

Boom. I thought the same thing. I expected her to turn to Chewie in the driver’s seat and say “Let’s find my father,” or something like that and the next movie would be them finding him.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, since I get tired of Hollywood stretching things into several movies (The Hobbit), but this would have benefited from being two movies, or take out some of it. It was way too fast in spots and it needs some room to breathe. I don’t know where they would have split it, so maybe cutting

I LIKED it, but I agree with a LOT of your points. I’m too nice, I guess. But, yeah - it was TOO DAMN FAST. Like, the scene with Maz and Rey - Maz was talking way too fast to lend any gravitas to the lines. It needed some better pacing, which could have been done by cutting some of the weirder stuff (Like on board

That was excellent - Finn’s been a storm trooper for his whole life, and that bit gave me this little insight into how he must not learn a lot of body language cues in that training. I wonder if they are ever allowed to see each other without their helmets on at all?

They did a great job with Poe. We’re told he’s a great pilot, and then we get to see him fly a TIE fighter (which he’s never done before) as well as any Imperial Pilot - great visual character bit there.

Like Zuko!

Given the way he looked at her at the end of the movie, I’m not sure Luke was aware she was still alive. I think he was convinced she died with all the others and maybe it was Ren who dropped her off on Jakku. She seemed to recognize him and lash out at him with more than just an in-the-moment hatred (for Han’s death

I thought the last line was going to be Rey turning to Chewie and saying “Let’s go find my father.” But then they went and found him.

This movie looks hilarious, but the whole thing about it being so incredibly “new” with the talking animals isn’t working for me.

You know, that is true, but it still is intensive stop-motion for the vast bulk of the film. And they incorporate the CGI so well the frame appears seamless. It’s similar (in my mind) to the practical effects used in action movies that are cleaned up with CG in post, or improved a bit. The overall effect is far

Every Laika movie is better than the last. I was really impressed by Coraline and the use of 3D therein and I thought “Man, we’ve really taken stop-motion as far as it can go.” And then ParaNorman came out and I legitamately forgot it was stop-motion through most of it, it was so smooth and well done, and I thought,

This makes sense to me. This was such a half-hearted effort at having Clara leave. Is it really that hard to believe a person might want to go home and stay there? Why can’t a companion just step off the TARDIS and stay home for a while?

Well, I am obviously in the minority here. I like Clara well enough, but I really thought the Raven send off was much better. I found much of this episode boring and silly, especially Clara getting a TARDIS. Was Moffat that worried she might want to return?