Matthew Abel

that's a good method. It also gives it a sense of "in the moment" as you collection can change over time.

I agree with this so much. I loved when he was in the Avengers and getting heightened powers and even the Iron-Spider armor. I'd love it if he was the mentor Spider-Man. In fact, it reminds me a bit of Batman Beyond - if they did something similar with Miles and Peter, but much more light-hearted and modern-day.

I love this rotation plan. They could then have a yearly big cross over with everyone that would be a huge thing.

I find the lack of Doom in the MCU far safer than the lack of Spider-Man. He is closely tied to the FF, but so very omni present in many other books as well.

that's what happens in a deleted scene. I know deleted scenes aren't canon, but it makes the hole slightly less small if future Biff fades.

Just about the only original story I can handle is Caves of Androzani. You are not alone.

Robin's a good example of costume evolution. When Tim Drake became Robin, the costume was still pretty ridiculous, but the added long tights and the black-exterior cape added a lot of practicality while still keeping it comic booky. Batman's costumes as well developed with a good sense of that.

I've always thought the powers that be should make an epic Superman trilogy with each movie set respectively on/in Krypton, Smallville, and Metropolis.

Pfh. Look like a bunch of misfits.

All this makes me think is: Isn't that the point? I know we're only referring to subplots, but an effective story-telling technique (any sort of entertainment technique) is to leave your audience wanting more. We want the song to keep going, the reel to keep rolling, the story to continue - and if that's how we feel,

Still no feathers!

Where's the feathers?

I've never understood the weird looks at the solo movie-goer. It's fun to go with people, but it's not exactly a talking experience. You sit in the dark and aren't supposed to talk.

I think the Janine role should go to either Nick Offerman or Aziz Ansari. Two completely different takes, but why not?

People are free to critique, but many do not realize I'm allowed to critique their critique as well - or tell them to shut up.

I don't find them all that terrifying (though I wouldn't want to meet on IRL) but my son literally jumped behind the couch a few times when they popped up after he knew what they were.

The only problem with texting is people who refuse to use it. "Why no, actually, I'd prefer not to write down the address and your crazy directions when you could just text me the address." It's so much easier to have shopping lists and whatnot texted to you, or quick questions.

I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.

Is there anyone honestly excited about this movie? Maybe it'll be good despite the ridiculous nonsense designs, but I doubt it. It looks like hot garbage. If it tanks Hollywood will blame the TMNT brand and not the morons creating this garbage.

I want a gif of the Black and Tan movie.