Matthew Abel

Mulan was 16 years ago. Which kind of helps your point.

I would, too. Godzilla was a fun experience, but it was more of a "one time" movie for me. If I watch it again, I'll want to fast forward to the fights.

Yeah, Can't they both be awesome? I'd still lean Godzilla's way based solely on my love of Godzilla. But Pacific Rim was a great, fun movie.

And it really seemed they were going to go Full Kirby, too.

Those first two Rincewind novels compared to Thief of Time and Night Watch are completely different. Very competent, as you say. But, wow. Thief of Time is the high point of the whole series, I think.

When we talk Marvel, I almost feel the X-Adventures is separate from the rest of the universe, more so than any other set of books.

The only acceptable title for that Star Wars/dS9/Buffy/Kitchen Sink mashup is "Fuck. Yes."

The old, old Spider-Man cartoons narrated by Stan Lee are terrible. The animation is so slap-dash it makes Yogi Bear look like Snow White. It's barely better than those cartoons where it's just lips seen through a cutout hole.

Confirmed - we made sure our kids had all sorts of foods available in their toddler-hood. My son's favorite food is salad followed by mussels. He still loves candy, but he'll typically pick something vegetably if offered.

If that planet explodes, I'll start checking every cornfield I drive by.

I know! I'm usually ready for bed by nine anyway, so if I watch it I'm asleep by halfway.

I'm really surprised to read all the "shut up and take my money" thoughts about Batman and Superman. After the bad taste Man of Steel left in people's mouths, it seems an uphill battle to get people in the theater. I am biased by my own opinion, of course, but the pressure is on WB to get me to see it before the DVD

I really think what people don't consider is that overall the Marvel movies have a real sense of fun and diverse character types. Iron Man and Thor are completely different movies and characters - I find it likely people will eventually stop seeing every single movie, but I think the fatigue of comic book movies in

The only problem with that trailer is it loses its effect when not on a big screen. Similar to the movies.

I still don't think the One Ring is a MacGuffin. It's imbued with such malevolence it becomes almost another character. I suppose it could be any object imbued with malevolence and thus having to be destroyed in Mt. Doom, but rings are symbolic.

Me, too. I even skipped season 8, but tuned back in. That show was hot garbage, but I couldn't look away.

It is the weekend - there's pretty limited content, at best.

This guy reminds me of the guy who wanted Superman to fight a giant spider.


Oh, she had the glasses on. When they're off and she lets her hair down, she's far more attractive.