Matthew Abel

I'm pretty sad to hear we aren't related based on this nugget. Spiders do not frighten me.


Methane escaping due to global climate change thus accelerating global climate change? Dudes, we are FUCKED.

Oh God. The crux of that joke is that a German says it.

Scalzi was right!

I can't remember why I'm replying to you. But I feel compelled to do so.

Absolutely not needed. I wouldn't have minded at the very end one of them talking about how they might "assemble" if need be - kind of a stealth catchphrase you know.

You have never met my cat. She thought she was a dog come meal time. Not all dogs eat to excess, either. Our St. Bernard's would pick and pick as they hungered.

I would watch every Community reality spin-off, plus the movie.

omigodomigodomigod! Are we finally getting Community recaps on io9? 'Cause that makes me so happy.

Bader was good in Brave and the Bold - but you could definitely hear the Conroy influence. That dude really defined the role - not just with Batman but Bruce Wayne.

Yeah. I thought DC Nation was going to be a full half-hour of 11 minute shorts each week.

God-Emperor is my favorite.

Why do we need heartbreaking? I'm sick of engineered pathos!

I'm pretty sure I had gorillini once. Marinara sauce, if I'm not mistaken.

Definitely some inspiration there.

Journey 2 was the sequel to Journey to the Center of the Earth.

You are greatly underestimating the adult fanbase of the series.

Just saw it. Not enough Lorax, for God's sake. Not enough rhyming either. Indeed, the best bits were the flashbacks. The framing was poorly done. The new villain was unnecessary. Indeed, true villain of The Lorax is hubris. And the flashback went too fast. From forest to clear cut in one song? The book had

Reminds me of some of the weapons from Lensman.