Matthew Abel

I think some of the casting here is very well-done. I'm looking forward to it. I've enjoyed Josh Hutcherson in some pretty terrible movies and its nice to see him get a break at what could be a pretty big deal.

They set it earlier so they were less compelled to use the Nazis again. I barely consider it a prequel - it doesn't really matter when it happened.

The only point I groaned was the sudden rainstorm. "Seriously," I thought. "It's raining?"

The audiobook version is very well done in that vein. I agree it would be nice to see a mockumentary style film, History channel style or something. It'd be far more chilling to see artifacts from WWZ as opposed to actual happenings.

Whose playing FDR? My gut says Barry Bostwick, but that seems crazy.

This is how I feel about microwave pizza products.

AB's recipe is overly fussy, I think. I pop in a regular pot and have had zero issues. Barely need to shake.

You don't need a whirly-pop. You just need a big pot with a lid. About dutch oven size, but it'd be a pain with a dutch oven. Shake the corn yourself. Honestly, I barely shake it anymore - it pops without much fuss at all.

I also save carrot/onion peels in the freezer with my chicken bones - I put them in right away. A little flavor bump for the stock.

There's other pert things for death rays to be fired from.

As everyone knows, the only plausible fighting stance is to display your rear, then torso twist around to look at your opponent.

I love io9 and have a lot of respect for the editors and writers here. I think the high road here would be to review it as normal. It's a science-fiction/fantasy event. Terrible movie, terrible format, but worth the review. I hate this movie, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about going to the 3d show.

All we know about the Machine is what Finch says. I don't think he's as reliable with the information, though I doubt he has sinister intentions.

I have seen publicity. It was a big black standee thing with "JCM" in red (the logo). No actual movie title or stills or poster.

I feel the inclusion strengthens my proposal.

I love bombastic space opera - is this that kind of stuff? I know the Lensman hit prior to Asimov's big stuff an I would describe that as more romantic.

I don't know for certain, but I've seen both "serialized novel" and "serialized novella" used separately. I would surmise novels would end at novel length. Of course, the whole thing can be quite fudgy anyway.

Is it dyed black, or is it black bread?

Hydrogen Atom. Representory of the turning point twixt particle physics and subatomics and the larger stuff. Fuel for the mighty stars of the cosmos. Crucial part of water - which we need for life, as far as we know. Explosive, so it represents some of the coolest bits of science.

Exactly my thought.