Edward Cossaboom

Hmm. I actually have one of those... Well, not that EXACT one, but the version made by radiation-watch.org... It was a startup created shortly after the March 11 disaster and the product has been available for several months now. [www.radiation-watch.org]


Yeah! Great! Wonferful! Gawker and their f*****g auto-redirects. I wonder If the option for Brits to switch to the U.S. works as well as the one that allows me to switch from the shitty Japanese version to the U.S. site. Hint: it DOESN'T. I use 4 different PCs, all with different OSes, browsers, and Internet


In N. America or Europe, you're probably right. But here in Japan, good bread is BLOODY expensive, (heck, even normal bread is kinda pricy) and cheap, grocery store bread is of the nasty, generic Wonderbread variety that's only good for making into toast every so often.

Dr. Bronner's FTW!!!

Nice. Any instructions anywhere on how to wrap such a thing? (I wasted HOURS unsuccessfully scouring the Japanese shibari and kinbaku-bi websites without success)... :(

Not trying to make this into a "this sucks — too U.S.-centric" issue or anything... But I WAS hoping to get some tips on how to watch live sports other than the ubiquitous NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL....

You're not far off though. Ever since I got my laser eye surgery I FEEL like I can see in HD! :-)

You're close. Ever since I got my laser eye surgery I FEEL like I can see in HD! :-)

Huh. I live in Japan, and our new fridge we bought a few weeks ago has that feature built-in. The fridge starts beeping at you obnoxiously if the door is open too long. No cute thingummybob though...

The whole point of "cheese" is to get that natural smile you achieve with the "eeeeee" sound. Can't get that with "popsicle." Even in Japan, they sometimes say: "Ichi tasu ichi wa..." (One plus one equals...) and everyone yells: "Niiiiiiiii" (two).

That's got to be one of the stupidest concepts I've ever heard of! In other words, it's StumbleUpon for the hipster crowd who are trying to be ironic. Nice.

Fear mongering is bad. But shitting on TEPCO and the Japanese government? Yeah, you won't get much complaint from me there... Maybe because they kinda deserve to be shat on.

I get the joke... And it's still an issue. And it still annoys the crap out of anyone coming to visit here. But I'll tell you what, if you add a police baton over top of the fingerprint, it will be both accurate and orthographically correct.

Gizmodo loves Japan too f'-in much!

It would be hit & miss, I think. There's always one, right? But the obvious trolls aside, if someone had an axe to grind with a hotel (for reasons legitimate or not), they certainly WOULD go out of their way to stage the most unflattering, nasty pix they could...

That is neat! But I actually have the opposite problem... I don't care so much for the earbud quality, but want/need a high quality noise-cancelling mic, as I do live sports reporting over the phone from noisy, crowd-filled stadiums... (Any suggestions)?


Uhhhh... No. What part of "technology Blog" do you not understand? When I go to a cooking website, I expect recipes — not a guide on how to fix my car. When I go to FIFA.com I expect to read about soccer, not the latest Dow Jones stock reports... And when I go to Gizmodo, I expect to read about the latest, greatest