Are you friggin' serious? Echoing the sentiment of others — WHY the heck is this on Giz? Editorial board have a massive, collective brain fart?
Are you friggin' serious? Echoing the sentiment of others — WHY the heck is this on Giz? Editorial board have a massive, collective brain fart?
Uhh.. Well, my participation in Earth Hour is compulsory... Since TEPCO has instituted region-wide rolling blackouts, we're already without power 3 hours a day here in Japan. ;-)
Deeply skeptical of this... I imagine this might be one of those "Mileage may vary" things... Like a few months ago when that vid cropped up on the net where someone improved their net speed by putting their 3G ( I think it was) dongle inside a metal pot.
Good article, and valuable information. Thank you! What I would add to this, is for the sake of completeness, please do not omit some of the other popular methods of brewing coffee, especially the V60 pourover method (NOT the same as automatic drip by a LONG shot), and siphon (vacuum) brewers. I bring up the…
Yeah... I don't expect this to be implemented at all for those of us who use their iPhones here in Japan on the SoftBank network.
@Dacker: nuh uh. MachineLove's troll-fu is strong! Well played, sir. :-)
@vinylrake: Scant evidence at best (from that). Correlation doesn't imply causality.
@silvine: Here in Japan it's the opposite. Tea in the AM, coffee in the PM. Lol. Freakin' backawards Japanese people!
Yeah well.... I'm Canadian and I didn't understand the article for shit either. It's not a question of "dumb Americans" — they're not (at least no more so than anyone else in any other country) it's a matter of a piss-poor writer who naturally assumes a global audience knows what the hell he's rattling on about,…
@HoseHead: Dude. WTF. Some of us are at work. I work at a freakin junior high school. Idiot!
@Jeb_Hoge: steel-boned corset would work better, and is probably far more readily available for purchase... (And incredibly hot too)...
@NipponBill: Have you tried it? "Working" being the operative word, I was able to produce a sundial for my home here in Japan — whether it works or not, and the level of accuracy is yet to be seen. Next sunny day I'll give it a whirl.
Actually, before absolutely EVERYONE writes this guy off as a complete moron, let me just point out that with some multi-lingual setups (like with Windows running IME for Asian languages) simply pressing the CAPS LOCK button does nothing — you have to press SHIFT + CAPS in order to turn it on or off. So it IS…
@Duckbrain30: Sure. But to "plug your computer into a phone line" specifically would mean that said computer has a faxmodem installed. I haven't seen/used one of them in ages! How many computers still come with dialup (fax)modems still standard these days?
@Phrosty: In N. America, it's true... But let me assure you that here in Japan, the fax lives on healthy and strong.
I tried to vote in the original thread but it didn't go for some reason. Whatever. Anyway, I vote for Pamfax. It integrates nicely with Skype, and allows me to have a "local" fax number, which for me is in Tokyo. Yeah, that's another thing — they are international and their software and website are multilingual.
VOTE: Pamfax
VOTE: Pamfax
@jayw: Oh, hell yeah. You really can't even consider your family crazy until firearms have gotten involved.