Edward Cossaboom

I've totally done this many times. As a teacher, I've received piles upon piles of pretty crafts, projects, keepsakes, and mementos from students (in particular the K-6 lot), and as much as I value the time and love the kids put into these things, I just can't keep that stuff. Especially when I've worked in a number

As with the clothes I wear, I'm of the firm belief that inanimate objects don't have a gender (you can find SO many cool things if you don't restrict yourself to the "men's half" of a store)... So in the same way, rather than fretting about having a "murse" or "men's bag" I just shop for "a bag" at the usual shops

Nespresso can suck my dick! Had a machine for a long time. Then, when it broke down, I couldn't get it repaired... So they "kindly" offered me a discount on a new machine... Too bad it was the most expensive one! So I responded, that I would NOT be dropping that kind of money on their top-end unit... They responded

Unfortunately, when I tried Tunnelbear, it just killed my Internet connection altogether. It said it was connected but I couldn't access anything when it was running. Maybe I'll have better luck with Unblock Us.

The website/app seems like a waste of time, PERIOD. If the UK and US are the only available options, it's of very limited use to those of us living in the rest of the world. Go global or don't bother!

Yes! Let's create MORE disposable things to pollute the planet! Because conventional French press and non-disposable coffee makers are just SO inconvenient!

The problem isn't impulse buying, per se... Most of the time when I add something to my cart, it's something I planned on buying. But THAT'S when it all begins... You think to yourself... "Hmmm... It only makes sense to save on shipping if I just go ahead and add these OTHER things that'll I'll end up buying

Followed instructions. Didn't work. Click on "Details," no link to unblock vid.

That's great! But call me cynical — watch Hulu shut down this leak in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 ...

I don't dispute the researchers' findings... But really. It's been a while since I've read such complete and utter IDIOCY! Since when does lettuce have a GENDER? Good grief! I thought that in the past 30 years or so we've been making strides toward gender equality and that gender stereotypes were on their way out.

Actually... For those of us living in Japan this is REALLY good news!!! And while it may not be life-or-death, it DOES help save relationships if you're trying to send a happy face to a depressed friend and they wonder why you sent them an angry face! (Yes - this HAS happened to me personally)...

Steps to a happy e-reading experience:

So I guess if you wear wedges you're outta luck!

Vote: Logitech Harmony One. I've been using it since it came out! A bit flaky at times, (and the time/date isn't accurate for love or money) but it's a real workhorse, and my non-geek friends and family LOVE the "Help" button that systematically tries to resolve problems by asking questions.

Lol! I'll have to remember that if I ever meet you, Rocky! You can come to my family's farm for a BBQ, and I'll take you to where the cows are kept and say: "have at it!..."

ownstateltor: If it were me, I'd probably just politely excuse myself, hop in the car and go to a local restaurant or something (exactly as John Crane recommended). Then, depending on how I felt, I may or may not return to the event. But if I felt that I were made unwelcome by someone's poor hosting, believe me that

JD: Exactly. The point of "hosting" at your home is to serve your guests and make them feel as welcome and comfortable as possible. It''s about them and not about you. People who are uncomfortable with this kind of "serving others" concept should skip the party at their home and simply just arrange to meet their

Hmmm... So, you make it look all fancy, try to impress your guests with your finery and then say: "Either like what we serve you or bugger off."

Well, that Venn diagram isn't QUITE correct... Someone who is "Vegan" already is unlikely to eat eggs or dairy anyway... So picking up a "vegan" cookbook or looking up "vegan" recipes on the net will probably yield most results that are egg and dairy-free.

What's wrong with just a regular ol' foldable Bluetooth keyboard? I bought one for my Nokia E63 way back when, and it still works a treat with my iPhone and other devices.