
Wow, if only there were a practical alternative to the compact SUV that wouldn’t suck to drive and had just as much space?

AEG seems to be founded by a guy who is fairly resistant to EVs, and served as a budget director for a Republican governor. Not to mention I think he’s placing a higher priority on what he calls “deadhead” miles and implicit time cost.

TL:DR AEG is run by a conservative who probably fudged some numbers to make EVs look

I don’t even have 220v in my garage. I drive about 50 miles a day. To sustain that 16A 110v, I charge all night. 

Same here, I charge my 22' Bolt EUV at night at a rate of .15 per Kw, and find I use about 25Kwh to drive 100 miles ($3.75). And also have an ICE SUV that gets 20mpg.

Jesus, these “try to scare people away from buying an EV” articles are so full of nonsense, it’s ridiculous.

$47k is single or $56k if married

Model 3 in base trim is in the ballpark as BMW 330i / Mercedes A-Class / Audi A3 on price and performance.

A wise man once said “the numbers are made up and the points don’t matter”
The math is skewed and they made numbers up for “opportunity costs” but no mention of general maintenance costs on an ICE car? I usually have to do 2-3 oil changes a year depending on how much I drive, which, if I go with the recommended full

Yes. There’s no simple universal answer because the assumptions aren’t the same for everyone. But they didn’t want to say “for CA apartment dwellers without solar panels who drive more than X miles per day...”

If you're actually keeping it for 10+ years the resale value becomes unimportant.

The resale value of my Bolt is excellent, it’s one of the hottest selling EVs right now.

You say “fall off a cliff” like it’s a bad thing. It was great for me as I got our off-lease 2016 Nissan Leaf for just over $12K

Downside: The range was down to just 81 Miles when we got it.
Upside: The range dropped so much afterwards (now at 64 miles) I’m getting a new, larger battery for free (range loss is covered un

My total electrical bill is somewhere in the 100 to 120 range.  That’s two fill-ups of gasoline.  And I use electricity for nearly everything in the home besides plugging in my car for over 7 hours each day.  There is something totally wrong with this article.

I’m glad you brought up the case of a used Leaf. Boy oh boy have I got a surprise for you. As part of the IRA2023, there is also a used EV tax credit! If you buy a used EV for under $25,000 from a dealership and meet a few other simple conditions, it’s $4,000 off.

Wouldn’t this just go to show that a used EV (Leaf or Bolt) would be an excellent choice for the price conscious?

you should post this shit another dozen times.  i dont think people are tired of reading it.  maybe stop leaving all the lights and televisions in your house on all day and youll stop using more than 500kwh a month.  its wasteful. 

Copy and pasting the same non-sense over and over doesn’t make it right or true. It just makes you annoying.

Cost to buy and drive for 10 years:

Democratized energy from decentralized sources rather than OPEC any day. Also, residential solar is dropping in price. 

Is this Facebook where grandpa is spouting whatever BS some random Fox News talking head told him to think? JFC I expect a bit more from a site dealing with cars.